poly2allgrids - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki
poly2allgrids(poly: polyDomain->*points, rasterDomain)
unit<uint32> _ {
attribute<polyDomain> polygon_rel;
attribute<rasterDomain> grid_rel;
This function results in a cross-table having for each polygon all raster-cell-centres that are inside that polygon, allowing for raster-cell-centres to be found in multiple (overlapping) polygons, unlike the result of poly2grid, which can only represent one polygon per raster-cell-centre.
Note that the attribute polygon_rel
is only created when polyDomain is non-void.
must have value compositionpolygon
, akapoly
, orarc
, i,e. must contain sequences of points. - The
must be related to the same geographic projection as the values unit ofpoly
. - This function will fail if the number of cross-table entries is larger than 2^32-2. If you are uncertain that this will not be the case, use poly2allgrids_uint64