min_elem_alldefined - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki

Ordering functions minimum element alldefined


  • min_elem_alldefined(a, b, .. , n)


min_elem_alldefined(a, b, .. , n) is a variant of the min_elem function resulting in defined values if any value of the arguments for an entry in the domain unit is defined. If all argument contains a null value, the resulting value for that entry will be become null.

since version



attribute<uint32> min_elem_alldefinedABC (MDomain) := min_elem_alldefined(A, B, C);
A(int32) B(int32) C(int32) min_elem_alldefinedABC
0 1 2 0
1 -1 4 -1
-2 2 2 -2
4 0 7 0
999 111 -5 -5
2 null 1 null
0 1 null null
null 1 2 null
null null null null

MDomain, nr of rows = 9

see also

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