Setup GeoDMS language file in Notepad - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki

GeoDMS language file

The GeoDMS language file is called: GeoDMS_npp_def.xml.

It can be found in the same folder where your GeoDMS version is installed (default: %ProgramFiles%/ObjectVision/GeoDmsversion).

import GeoDMS language file

  1. Open Notepad++

  2. Go to Language > User defined Language > Define your language.


  1. Click import and select the .xml-file that you just downloaded, "Import successful.".


  1. Restart Notepad++, this makes sure the language file is accessible.

  2. Renavigate to the Language dropdown menu and select GeoDMS at the bottom. If you now open a .dms file you should see the syntax highlighted appropriately.


Note: for non-white background Notepad++ themes the C++ language definition is operable.