Ramp_rgb - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki
Rescale functions ramp_rgb
- ramp_rgb(startvalue, endvalue, domainunit)
ramp_rgb(startvalue, endvalue, domainunit) ramps rgb values, starting with the startvalue argument and ending with the endvalue argument.
The number of values is defined by the cardinality of the domain unit.
- parameters startvalue and endvalue with value type uint32 (often configured with the rgb function)
- unit domainunit with value type from group CanBeDomainUnit
attribute<uint32> BrushColor (City) := ramp_rgb(rgb(0,255,0), rgb(0,0,255), City);
BrushColor |
rgb( 0, 255, 0) |
rgb( 0, 212, 42) |
rgb( 0, 170, 85) |
rgb( 0, 127, 127) |
rgb( 0, 85, 170) |
rgb( 0, 42, 212) |
rgb( 0, 0, 255) |
domain City, nr of rows = 7