Known Issues - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki
disabled items not greyed out, look like enabled
This can happen if the 'dark mode' is enabled in Windows 11. Reconsider using the 'dark mode'.
clear the CalcCache
For GeoDMS versions prior to the 8 serie, if an error occurs with a running a GeoDMS project or re-opening a current configuration, we first advice to clear the CalcCache folder.
memory issues
In case your computer runs out of (virtual) memory, the user can adapt their Windows OS settings of Virtual memory in order to deal with memory issues. Alternatively, as secondary option disabling Multi Tasking option 2 (From the GUI go to Tools > Options > Advanced) can be unchecked. Be aware that calculations that make use of multiple threads will become slower.
other issues
- msvcp110_win.dll missing
- Vcruntime140 1 dll missing
- Api-ms-win-crt-runtime-I1-1-0.dll is missing
- red items when opening a configuration
- WindowsSystem Error CreateFileHandleForRwView Errorcode 32...
- Error in delayed loading a dll
- Exception Processing message, 0xc0000005 Unexpected parameters
- Notepad++ command line parameters not working