Impedance obsolete dijkstra OD - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki

Network functions obsolete: Dijkstra OD

Starting from GeoDMS version 7.115, a new set of dijkstra functions replace the ones described below.
The documentation of the old versions is still available for backward compatibility,
the old functions will become obsolete in future versions.


  • dijkstra_od(link_impedance,link_node1_rel, lin_node2_rel, originloc_node_rel, originloc_impedance, originloc_origin_rel,destloc_node, destloc_impedance, destloc_dest_rel)

  • dijkstra_od_maxdist(link_impedance,link_node1_rel, lin_node2_rel,originloc_node_rel, originloc_impedance, originloc_origin_rel,destloc_node, destloc_impedance, destloc_dest_rel,origin_impedance_max)


The dijkstra_od functions apply the dijkstra algorithm to calculate the shortest network impedance from a set of origin points to a set of destination points.The result is an O(rigin) D(estination) matrix, in Dutch: Herkomst/Bestemmingsmatrix.

  • dijkstra_od(link_impedance,link_node1_rel, lin_node2_rel,originloc_node_rel, originloc_impedance, originloc_origin_rel,destloc_node, destloc_impedance, destloc_dest_rel)


  • dijkstra_od_maxdist(link_impedance,link_node1_rel, lin_node2_rel,originloc_node_rel, originloc_impedance, originloc_origin_rel,destloc_node, destloc_impedance, destloc_dest_rel,origin_impedance_max)


  • link_impedance: a data item with the impedance of the links of a linkset; link_node1_rel: a relation to the first node of a link set;

  • link_node2_rel: a relation to the last node of a link set;

  • originloc_node_rel: a relation to the origin nodes;

  • originloc_impedance: start impedance for each origin, from the startpoint to the startnode;

  • originloc_origin_rel: a relation to each origin;

  • destloc_node: a relation to destination node;

  • destloc_impedance: end impedance for each destination, from the endnode to the end point;

  • destloc_dest_rel: a relation to each destination;

  • origin_impedance_max: maximum impedance for the resulting sparse matrix of od_pairs


To apply any dijkstra function, first configure a nodeset (based on the origin and destination points) and a linkset (based on the segments in an arc set, usually with roads).

These variants of the dijkstra function result in a new domain unit with a subitem called impedance. This subitem indicates the impedance from each origin point towards each destination point. The values unit is the values unit of the three impedance arguments. The cardinality of the new domain unit is the product of the cardinality of the origin and destination domain units.

The relations the to origin(originn_nr) and destination(destination_nr) domain units can be configured with the expressions presented in the example.

applies to

  • attributes impedance_link, impedance_origin and impedance_destination with float32 or float64 value type
  • attributes F1, F2, nr_originnode, nr_destnode, indexnumber_origin and indexnumber_destination with uint32 value type


  1. The domain unit of arguments impedance_link, F1 and F2 must match.
  2. The domain unit of arguments nr_originnode, impedance_origin and indexnumber_origin must match.
  3. The domain unit of arguments nr_destnode, impedance_destination and indexnumber_destination must match.
  4. The values unit of arguments impedance_link, impedance_origin and impedance_destination must match.

since version



unit<uint32> od := dijkstra_od(dist, F1, F2
       , nr_OrgNode,  const(0, ODomain, m), id(ODomain)
       , nr_DestNode, const(0, DDomain, m), id(DDomain)
// replace this obsolete syntax to

unit<uint32> odd := dijkstra_m(
     , dist
     , F1
     , F2
     , network/nr_OrgNode
     , network/nr_DestNode
   attribute<ODomain> originn_nr      :=     id(OD) / #DDomain;
   attribute<DDomain> destination_rel := mod(id(OD) , #DDomain);
dist F1 F2
713.44 9 10
907.33 0 3
1913.96 3 19
1907.31 19 26
.. .. ..
.. .. ..

domain Linkset, nr of rows = 34


domain ODomain, nr of rows = 5


domain Destination, nr of rows = 4

Impedance origin_nr destination_nr
0 0 0
5093.28 0 1
5596.24 0 2
5410 0 3
5896.14 1 0
1383.17 1 1
5272.83 1 2
5086.39 1 3
4901.69 2 0
3775.21 2 1
1393.9 2 2
4091.94 2 3
6181.57 3 0
5055.09 3 1
5558.26 3 2
1457.7 3 3
5956.03 4 0
1443.05 4 1
5332.71 4 2
5146.27 4 3

domain OD, nr of rows = 20

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️