Fpoint - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki

Conversion functions fpoint


  1. fpoint is a Point(Group) value type with two coordinates of the 32 bits (4 bytes) floating point value type: float32.
  2. fpoint() is a function converting other point data items or units to the fpoint value type.

This page describes the fpoint() function.


  • fpoint(a)


fpoint(a) converts the coordinates of a point item a to the fpoint (float32 coordinates) value type.

applies to

  • data item or unit with PointGroup value type


attribute<fpoint> fpointA (ADomain) := fpoint(A);
A(fpoint) fpointA
{0,0} {0,0}
{1,1} {1,1}
{1000000,10000000} {1000000,10000000}
{-2.5, 2.5} {-2.5, 2.5}
{99.9, 99.9} {99.9,99.9}

ADomain, nr of rows = 5

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