First_node - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki
Network functions first node
- first_node(arc_polygon_dataitem)
first_node(arc_polygon_dataitem) results in a point data item with the coordinates of the first point of an arc or polygon of argument arc_polygon_dataitem.
Use the arc2segm function to split an arc in segments.
data item arc_polygon_dataitem with fpoint or dpoint value type and composition type type arc or polygon.
attribute<fpoint> first_node (Road) := first_node(road/geometry);
road/geometry | first_node |
{2 {399246, 112631}{398599, 111866}} | {399246, 112631} |
{3 {398599, 111866}{399495, 111924} {401801,111524}} | {398599, 111866} |
{2 {401529, 114921}{398584, 114823}} | {401529, 114921} |
domain Road, nr of rows = 3