Eq_or_both_null - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki

Ordering functions equals or both values null


  • eq_or_both_null(a, b)


eq_or_both_null(a, b) results in a boolean data item indicating if the values of data item a are equal to the corresponding values of data item b or if both corresponding values are null.


The comparison between two missing values (null == null) results in the value True.

applies to

Data items with Numeric, Point, string or bool value type


  1. Domain of the arguments must match or be void (literals or parameters can be compared to data items of any domain).
  2. Arguments must have matching:


attribute<bool> AisB (CDomain) := eq_or_both_null(A, B);
A B AisB
0 0 True
1 2 False
2.5 2.5 True
-100 100 False
999 -999 False
null 0 False
null null True
0 null False
null 100 False
100 null False

CDomain, nr of rows = 10

see also

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