Chapter 12: M to 1 multiplexor - Obijuan/open-fpga-verilog-tutorial GitHub Wiki

Imagen 1

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Multiplexers allow us to select between M inputs (M being a pwoer of 2). Only the source that is selected is output. In the previous chapter we saw how to implement a simple multiplexer, from 2 to 1. In this chapter we generalize to M to 1, making an example fo 4 to 1. We will use it to create a sequencer of 4 states that will be output to the LEDs.

Multiplexer M to 1

The multiplexer has M data inputs, M being a power of 2(2, 4, 8, 16, ...). All inputs and output are N bits. The selection input has b bits, with M = 2^b

Imagen 2

Multiplexer 4 to 1

As an example, we will implement a 4-bit multiplexer passing on 4 bits. The selection input has 2 bits:

Imagen 3

the verilog code is intuitive. We will use the case statement:

always @*
  case (sel)
     0 : out <= source0;
     1 : out <= source1;
     2 : out <= source2;
     3 : out <= source3;
     default : out <= 0;

Note that all valid cases are covered. Even so, the default case has been added. This ensures that if sel has a Z or X value, known output occurs. This guarantees that a combinatorial circuit is implemented. If all cases are not covered, the synthesizer may infer a latch.

In the sensitivity list, we could have placed 5 entries, but instead used @* which automatically determines all variables in the process and uses them all in the sensitivity list.

mux4: 4 state sequencer

We will use a multiplexer of 4 to 1 to make a sequencer of 4 states, generating a sequenc that is visible via the LEDs. For the 4 inputs we wire the values of the sequence. The default used is 0000, 1010, 1111, 0101. The selection input is connected to a 2 bit counter so that the 4 inputs are sequentially selected. The counter clock is connected to a prescaler to slow down the frequency, making the different selections visible to the naked eye.

The Verilog code is:

//-- mux4.v
module mux4(input wire clk, output reg [3:0] data);
//-- Parametros del secuenciador:
parameter NP = 23;         //-- Bits of the prescaler
parameter VAL0 = 4'b0000;  //-- sequence value 0
parameter VAL1 = 4'b1010;  //-- sequence value 1
parameter VAL2 = 4'b1111;  //-- sequence value 2
parameter VAL3 = 4'b0101;  //-- sequence value 3
//-- wires for the 5 inputs to the multiplexer
wire [3:0] val0;
wire [3:0] val1;
wire [3:0] val2;
wire [3:0] val3;
wire [1:0] sel;  //-- 2 bits of selection. 
//-- 2 bit counter
reg [1:0] count = 0;
wire clk_pres; //-- output clock of the prescaler 
//-- wire the constants to the inputs of the mux. 
assign val0 = VAL0;
assign val1 = VAL1;
assign val2 = VAL2;
assign val3 = VAL3;
//-- implement the 4 to 1 multiplexer 
always @*
  case (sel)
     0 : data <= val0;
     1 : data <= val1;
     2 : data <= val2;
     3 : data <= val3;
     default : data <= 0;
 //-- counter to drive the sel wire 
 always @(posedge(clk_pres))
  count <= count + 1;
//-- drive the sel wire with the counter value
assign sel = count;
//-- prescaler that controls the counter frequency
prescaler #(.N(NP))
  PRES (

Synthesis in the FPGA

To synthesize the design into the FPGA we will connect the data outputs to the LEDs, and the clock input to that of the iCEstick.

Synthesize with the command:

$ make sint

The resources used are:

Resource utilization
PIOs 3 / 96
PLBs 6 / 160
BRAMs 0 / 16

To load the FPGA we execute:

$ sudo iceprog mux4.bin

In this Youtube video you can see the output of the LEDs:

Click to see the youtube video


The testbench is a basic one, which instantiates the mux4 compnent, with 1 bit for the prescaler for less cycles in the simulation. It has a process for the clock signal, and one for the initialization of the simulation.

Imagen 3

The simulation is performed with:

$ make sim

The result in gtkwave is:

Imagen 4

We see how the 4 outputs are alternated: 0000, 1010, 1111, 0101, each associated with a value of the signal of sel.

Proposed Exercises

  • Exercise 1: Modify the values to get a different sequence
  • Exercise 2: Make an 8-state sequencer using an 8-1 multiplexer
  • Exercise 3: Make a self checking testbench
