How to use - ObedMz/Tags GitHub Wiki

This is a guide with the steps to follow for the correct use of this plugin.

Set the base command

Tag plugin allow you to set a custom command for the plugin, just change it on config.yml

  #Write the base command for the plugin.
  base_command: "tag"

Set the placeholder

This plugin use placeholderAPI to show the player tag in whatever you want, and we create an option to create your own placeholder for the plugin. remenber that you only can create the base placeholder, the identifier still be player, example:

  #The placeholder would be %tag_player%
  placeholder: "tag"

if in "placeholder:" you set "potato" your placeholder value to get player tag would be "%potato_player%"

Set max length

Tag plugin, give you the option to set a max length for a tag to prevent any bug!

  #Set the max-length of a tag name.
  max-length: 20


This plugin works with vault, to get the economy of your server, yo can set a price to create a tag.

  #Set the price to players who want to create a tag.
  cost: 100

Default Tag Color

Players who want to create a tag with custom colors need a especial permission, so you can set a default color to players who dont have that permission.

  #Set the color code for default tags.
  default_color: "&7"

Blacklist Words

You can create a blacklist of words that the players can't use as a tag, like "owner", "mod" , etc

    - "owner"


Tag plugin, allow you to set a custom permissions for this options:

    create_permission: "tag.create"
    colored_permission: "tag.color"
    admin_permission: "tag.admin"