How to install - ObedMz/Tags GitHub Wiki

This is a guide of how to install the plugin with/without the source code.

Source code

To compile the source code of the plugin, you'll need these requeriments:

  • Maven
  • Java 8


git clone
cd Tags
mvn clean install

You'll find the .jar on the directory /target of this one.

Quick Install

You can directly download the last jar in Releases

Integrating to the server

Once you have the .jar of the plugin, you must add it to the folder /plugins of your Spigot server.


This plugin works with 2 dependencies.

Vault [required]

  • This plugin use vault to load your economy system and allow players to buy a tag.

PlaceHolderAPI [required]

  • This plugins use placeholder to show whatever you want the tag of a player, like in tablist, on chat, in a scoreboard, etc.