User Interface - OTB-Expert/Ajuro-Code-Generator GitHub Wiki
User Interface
The UI can change between 3 modes:
- Taking Notes
- Template Editor
- App Builder
Taking Notes
In Taking Notes mode the user can manage his notes.
User can search for hi's notes from a tree-view.
Selected notes are displayed for read.
User can switch to edit mode by double click.
User can edit multiple notes at a time.
When leaving the page the user is notified for each modified note to save changes. Options are: Yes to all, Yes, No, Cancel.
The editor background changes in pale colors to show the status of the note (read-only, unchanged, modified). Editing JSON files will provide additional feedback to show if the content is a valid JSON.
User can rename the selected note. The name will be updated in the tree-view as it's typed.
User can delete a note by pressing Del button on Keyboard. A pop-up will ask for confirmation.
Template Editor
Any note from Taking Notes mode can be edited as a template.
A new template can be created by pressing New.
If the link to Template Editor does not specify an existent template to be loaded, all content can be saved as new template or just dropped after use (user will be asked for confirmation).
Template Editor has 5 panels:
Original Code
Selection Editor
Selections TreeView
Test Panel
Data Sample
User can paste a fragment of code that he wants to be the seed of it's template in the Original Code panel.
User can select fragment of code from Original Code panel. Once the selection is made, he can define the selection in Selection Editor panel. Selection Name, Type, and Content can be edited.