Format description - OSUPCVLab/mobile-ar-sensor-logger GitHub Wiki

File types

The camera frames are saved to a H.264/MP4 video, movie.mp4.

The metadata for each frame is saved to a csv file, movie_metadata.csv.

For android devices, because the metadata entry may not exactly match frames in the video, timestamps for frames are saved separately into a txt file, frame_timestamps.txt.

The inertial readings are saved to a csv file, gyro_accel.csv.


For iOS devices, the video locates in the Photos album which can be viewed by the Camera or Photos App. The other data files are in the data directory of the Mars logger app which can be found with the Files app (available in iOS 11+) by browsing inside Locations>On My iPhone(iPad) as shown below.

For Android devices all the data files are in the data directory of the Mars logger app, usually Android/data/edu.osu.pcv.marslogger/files/data inside the Internal storage, which can be browsed with the Files app as shown below.


Each line in movie_metadata.csv for the Android app

Timestamp[nanosec],fx[px],fy[px],Frame No.,Exposure time[nanosec],Sensor frame duration[nanosec],
Frame readout time[nanosec],ISO,Focal length,Focus distance,AF mode

Each line in movie_metadata.csv for the iOS app

Timestamp[nanosec], fx[px], fy[px], cx[px], cy[px], exposure duration[nanosec]

Each line in frame_timestamps.txt for the Android app

Frame timestamp[nanosec]

Each line in gyro_accel.csv

Timestamp[nanosec], gx[rad/s], gy[rad/s], gz[rad/s], ax[m/s^2], ay[m/s^2], az[m/s^2]