User Stories - OSU-CS361-W17/group2_project3 GitHub Wiki
##Mark Bereza: Feature Add Stealth Capability
- User Story: As a player, I want certain types of ships to have stealth capability so that the game has more variety.
- Conversation: Stealth means that a ship is not detected by scan feature. Battleship and submarine, being the stealthiest military ships, will have stealth.
- Confirmation: Clicking scan and selecting a stealted ship will not reveal that ship to the user.
##Joseph Struth: Feature Add Civilian Ship
- User Story: As a player, I want to place civilian ships so I can have new content in the game.
- Conversation: Content means more variety in choice of ships. The added ships will be a new type of ships. Instead of military ships like the others, these new ships will be civilian ships, which do not armor. Besides durability, these should function like other ships (meaning they can be placed, fired at, etc.)
- Confirmation: Clicking on the place ship drop down menu will display two additional ships, 'Dinghy' and 'Clipper'. Additionally, these ships can be placed by both the user and the computer and and can scanned/fired at like the other ships.
##Kevin Turkington: Feature Add Civilian Ship Damage
- User Story: As a player, I want my ships to sink when their damage exceeds their durability/armor, so that the difference in civilian military ships is reflected in game play.
- Conversation: Military ships have durability equal to their length; that is, they will sink when every tile is hit. Civilian ships have durability of one and will sink in one hit.
- Confirmation: Within one hit, a civilian ship's color tiles will all change to red to indicate it has sunk.
##Meagan Olsen: Feature Remove Cruiser and Destroyer
- User Story: As a player, I want to get rid of old ship types so that new ship types can be added without overcomplicating the game.
- Conversation: The two ships being removed are Cruiser and Destroyer.
- Confirmation: These ship types will no longer appear in the place ships drop down menu, nor will the computer place them on their side of the board.