User Story: More Variety in Ship Types - OSU-CS361-W17/group12_project3 GitHub Wiki


"As a player, I want more types of ships added to the game so that it will be more exciting"


We'll create two new types of ships: civilian and stealthy military. The civilian ships, clipper and dinghy, will have the class property that they only take one hit to sink. The stealthy military ships, submarine and battleship, will never count towards detected ships in a scan.

Cruiser and destroyer ship types will be removed.
Clipper will have a length of 3 and dinghy will have a length of 1.


Test that the new ship types, clipper and dinghy, may be placed on the board.

Test that stealthy military ships cannot be detected by the scan function.

Test that the civilian ships are sunk in a single hit.