Paper setup for edge detection - OSU-AIMS/tic-tac-toe GitHub Wiki

This page contains information on robot and scene configuration to run scripts from the tic-tac-toe repository.

Terminal Commands:

Login to MARVIN computer in the AIMS lab. After sourcing your ROS path and building workspace you can execute the following commands:

roslaunch robot_mh5l_pgn64_table_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:= ROBOT_IP controller:=fs100
rosrun tic-tac-toe
rosrun tic-tac-toe
rosrun tic-tac-toe

Lab workspace setup:

This repository uses the Motoman MH5L robot which can be found in the AIMS lab. There is a yellow piece of tape on the robot table that the paper must be aligned with as shown below. The code requires a standard 8.5''x 11'' paper for accurate object location output.

Camera setup:

This repository uses the Intel Realsense Depth Camera D435i. There is a simple camera mount that attaches the camera to the MH5L robot. Any camera mount will work as long as the camera is in the same orientation when executing (camera height is not fixed).