Home - OSLC/lifecycle-integration-patterns GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the Lifecycle Integration Patterns Working Group
This group will collect and describe typical and useful patterns to apply OSLC for Lifecycle collaboration. The goal is to build a comprehensive library of patterns over time.
All users of OSLC are invited to propose and contribute additional patterns.
First ideas and things to do before we launch the WG:
- decide about the name (lifecycle-integration-patterns or lifecycle-collaboration-patterns other?)
- do we need a process/workflow for the patterns (proposed, draft, final)
- adopt the template for pattern description
- write a "howto create new patterns" guideline ...
Pattern Template
Use the Pattern Template as a guide to contribute your own patterns. All types of Lifecycle Integration Patterns are welcome including very high level business scenarios and highly detailed technical implementations. We will use the category field in the pattern template to organize and group patterns that are at a similar level of detail. If a lifecycle integration pattern is helpful for your organization, contribute it to the list of patterns so that others can benefit from it and to drive further discussion and evolution of the specifications.
Pattern Catalog
1 Proxy Pattern for Developer - Tester Collaboration
2 Design Alternative Traceability