Heroku PostgreSQL - ORuban/openiddict-mobile GitHub Wiki
Install Heroku Postgre app
Prepare the Connection String
General connection string template could be found on connectionstrings.com
Minimum version of Connection string should be the following:
User ID=<User>;Password=<Password>;Host=<Host>;Port=<Port>;Database=<Database>;Pooling=true;Use SSL Stream=True;SSL Mode=Require;TrustServerCertificate=True;"
Heroku requires the SSL to be enabled.
To find parameter's values:
- go to data.heroku
- select your Postgre app in the list
- go to 'Settings' tab
- click 'View credentials' button against 'Database Credentials'
- Heroku Postgres overview home page.
- Heroku PostgreSQL documentation
- Connecting to Heroku Postgres Databases from Outside of Heroku documentation article