Upgrade Cardano Node Version 1.26.1 - ORO-STAKE-POOL/oro-stake-pool-github.io GitHub Wiki

Official release notes

Upgrade Cardano-Node Version - 1.26.1 (old) - Please refer to this page.

Cardano Stake Pool in AWS

SSH to the relay/main node

ssh -i <location of the pem file> username@public_ip_adress

clone git repository

git clone https://github.com/ORO-STAKE-POOL/oro-stake-pool-github.io.git
chmod +x oro-stake-pool-github.io/upgrade_cardano_node/*

Run script upgrade_node_v1.2.6.1.sh in the background - script takes few hours :timer_clock: to complete

nohup ./oro-stake-pool-github.io/upgrade_cardano_node/upgrade_node_v1.2.6.1.sh &
  • jobs command will display status of the scripts that are running in the background

  • Display execution output of the upgrade_node_v1.2.6.1.sh script - tail -f nohup.out

Congratulations! Your Cardano Node is upgraded to the latest version. :partying_face:

Note : Future upgrade scripts can be pulled by running git pull command.