Publications - ORNL-Modelica/TRANSFORM-Library GitHub Wiki
The following list of publications have been organized in categories and then by date (newest first). The publications include material both directly regarding TRANSFORM and work which used the library.
- If you used TRANSFORM in your published work let's add your reference below
Journal Articles:
- Poschmann, Max, Markus H.A. Piro, and M. Scott Greenwood. “Dynamic Mass Accountancy Modeling of a Molten Salt Reactor Using Equilibrium Thermodynamics.” Nuclear Engineering and Design 390 (April 2022): 111695.
- M. Scott Greenwood, Benjamin R. Betzler, A. Lou Qualls, Junsoo Yoo & Cristian Rabiti (2020) "Demonstration of the Advanced Dynamic System Modeling Tool TRANSFORM in a Molten Salt Reactor Application via a Model of the Molten Salt Demonstration Reactor," Nuclear Technology, 206:3, 478-504, DOI: 10.1080/00295450.2019.1627124 -
- M. Scott Greenwood & Ben Betzler (2019) "Modified Point-Kinetics Model for Neutron Precursors and Fission Product Behavior for Fluid-Fueled Molten Salt Reactors," Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193:4, 417-430, DOI: 10.1080/00295639.2018.1531619 -
- Jordan D. Rader, M. Scott Greenwood & Paul W. Humrickhouse (2018) "Verification of Modelica-Based Models with Analytical Solutions for Tritium Diffusion," Nuclear Technology, 203:1, 58-65, DOI: 10.1080/00295450.2018.1431505 -
Technical Reports:
- Greenwood, M.S., McMurray, J.: Prototype Demonstration of an Integration of a Gibbs Energy Minimizer with TRANSFORM for Molten Salt Reactor Mass Accountancy Studies. Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (2020). 10.2172/1706249 -
- Greenwood, M.S., Yigitoglu, A.G., Rader, J.D., Tharp, W., Poore, M., Belles, R., Zhang, B., Cumberland, R., Muhlheim, M.: Integrated Energy System Investigation for the Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, TN Facility. Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (2020). 10.2172/1649227 -
- Greenwood, M.S., De Wet, D.: Status Report on the MSRE Transform Model for Thermal-Hydraulic Benchmarking. (2019). 10.2172/1615806 -
- Greenwood, M.S., Guler Yigitoglu, A., Harrison, T.J.: Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems South East Regional Case Progress Report. (2018). 10.2172/1495965 -
- Greenwood, M.S., Betzler, B.R., Qualls, A.L.: Dynamic System Models for Informing Licensing and Safeguards Investigations of Molten Salt Reactors. Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (2018). 10.2172/1456790 -; Rev 1: 10.2172/1566973 -
- Greenwood, M.S., Cetiner, S.M., Harrison, T.J., Fugate, D.L.: A Templated Approach for Multi-Physics Modeling of Hybrid Energy Systems in Modelica. Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (2017). 10.2172/1427611 -
- Rabiti, C., Epiney, A.S., Talbot, P., Kim, J.S., Guler Yigitoglu, A., Greenwood, M.S., Cetiner, S.M., Ganda, F., Maronati, G., “Status Report on Modelling and Simulation Capabilities for Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems,” Idaho National Laboratory, September, 2017.
- Greenwood, M. S., Cetiner, M. S., Fugate, D. L., “Nuclear Hybrid Energy System Model Stability Testing,” ORNL/TM-2017/153, March, 2017. 10.2172/1354665 -
- Harrison, T.J., Greenwood, M.S.: Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems Initial Integrated Case Study Development and Analysis. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (2016). 10.2172/1339399 -
- Cetiner, S.M., Muhlheim, M.D., Guler Yigitoglu, A., Belles, R.J., Greenwood, M.S., Harrison, T.J., Denning, R.S., Bonebrake, C.A., Dib, G., Grabaskas, D., Brunett, A.J.: Supervisory Control System for Multi-Modular Advanced Reactors. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (2016). 10.2172/1615832 -
- Cetiner, S.M., Greenwood, M.S., Harrison, T.J., Qualls, A.L., Guler Yigitoglu, A., Fugate, D.W.: Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems FY16 Modeling Efforts at ORNL. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States) (2016). 10.2172/1338537 -
- Hale, R., Fugate, D.L., Cetiner, S.M., Ball, S.J., Qualls, A.L., Batteh, J.J., 2015. Update on ORNL TRANSFORM Tool: Preliminary Architecture/Modules for High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Concepts and Update on ALMR Control (No. ORNL/SPR--2015/367). Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States).
Conference Papers:
- Greenwood, M.S., Skutnik, S.E., Betzler, B.R., and Dion, M.P.: Source Term and Depletion Coupling with Dynamic System Modeling Solutions for Fuel Cycle Operations. In: Proceeding of the 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19), Virtual Meeting, March 6-11 (2022) - ISBN: 9789076971261.
- Rader, J.D., and Norby, T.P.: Development of Multi-Purpose Dynamic Nuclear Thermal Rocket System Models. In: Proceedings of Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS), Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States (2021) -
- Rader, J.D., and Smith, M.B.R.: Dynamic Nuclear Thermal Rocket and Engine Modeling. In: Proceedings of Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS), Knoxville, Tennessee, United States (2020) -
- Huning, A., Greenwood, M. S., McDuffee, J., Thoms, K.: Design and Modeling of a Liquid-Fuel Salt Experiment for the Versatile Test Reactor. In: Transactions of the American Nuclear Society - Volume 121. pp. 1415–1418. AMNS (2019) -
- de Wet, D., Greenwood, M.S., Poresky, C.M., Kendrick, J.C., Peterson, P.F.: A Frequency Response Approach to Model Validation for the Compact Integral Effects Test Facility in TRANSFORM. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18). American Nuclear Society, Portland, OR (2019) -
- Rader, J.D., Greenwood, M.S., Melin, A.M., Wysocki, A.J., Borza, G.M., Lietwiler, C.D.: Linear Stability Studies of a Natural Circulation Based Small Modular Reactor. In: Proceedings of 11th Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT). , Orlando, FL (2019) -
- Rader, J.D., Smith, M.B.R., Greenwood, M.S., Harrison, T.J.: Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Dynamic Modeling with Modelica. In: Proceedings of Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS). , Las Vegas, NV (2019) -
- Yigitoglu, A.G., Greenwood, M.S., Harrison, T.J.: Time-dependent Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems. Presented at the The Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management (PSAM) Conference 14 , Los Angeles, CA September 20 (2018) -
- Greenwood, M.S.: Molten Salt–Fueled Nuclear Reactor Model for Licensing and Safeguards Investigations. In: Proceedings of the 1st American Modelica Conference. pp. 27–36. Modelica Association and Linköping University Electronic Press, Cambridge, MA (2018). 10.3384/ecp1815427 -
- Greenwood, M.S., Betzler, B.R.: Kinetic Precursor Drift Model for Fluid-Fueled Molten Salt Reactors. In: Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. , Philadelphia, PA (2018) -
- Greenwood, M. S., Fugate, D. L., Cetiner, M. S., “Control Systems for a Dynamic Multi-Physics Model of a Nuclear Hybrid Energy System,” American Nuclear Society Embedded Conference: 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human Machine Interface Technologies, June 11- 15, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2017. -
- Greenwood, M. S., “Component Development for Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems,” 12th International Modelica Conference, May 15-17, Prague, Czech Republic, 2017. -