WPEngine local development setup - ORCID/ORCID-Communications GitHub Wiki

Install and configure Local

Our Wordpress hosting provider, WPEngine, has partnered with Local by flywheel to provide an easy GUI based local development environment.

With this it is super easy to pull down the ORCID live site and fire up a local version.


  • Install Local Local setup guide
  • Configure WPEngine API and Credentials (same guide as above)
  • Purchaase and enable Local Pro for more control over what you can push.

Once you have completed this guide you should be ready to pull from the live site and then work locally.


Once you have done all the set up you should have a local version of the ORCID Info site up and running on your machine.

You can pull down or push up from any of the environments Dev staging or production. Unfortunately you cannot push and pull to two separate environments, so you cannot have a staging and and production locally and pull and push from both, you have to have one local environment. More explained below...

  1. Start you local environment and pull down the latest changes from production.
  2. Make whatever changes you wish to.
  3. Test on your local enabling relevent plugins etc.
  4. When you are satisfied push your changes to the staging envirnoment
  5. Login to the staging environment to see your changes
  6. Once you are satisfied you are ready to push to production. Make sure you select only the changes you have made for push. Never push the Database unless absoutly critical.
  7. Local automatically creates a back up on wpengine but its good to know how to do it and if you are doing some sweeping changes you mighe want to be cautious and take another back up first.


Resetting your password

Your local site can't send emails, so it's not possible to reset your password using the reset link in the UI. Instead, you can reset it using WP CLI and One Time Login plugin:

cd ~/git/orcidaboutdev
wpe bash
wp plugin install one-time-login --activate && wp user one-time-login <user>

Slow performance locally

Plugins often cause the site to run very slowly on local. Yoast and WPML are often the cause. It is best to disable all but the most essential plugins when working locally. You can do this via wp-admin or if it is taking to long to start to get to the admin panel you can disable all the plugins (or a specific few) via wp-cli:

$ wp plugin deactivate --all
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