CMS admin guide - DOI-ONRR/ GitHub Wiki

This is a guide for CMS Administrators to document troubleshooting and problem-solving processes.

Use the label "CMS" on Github issues that involve admin changes or developer work on the CMS.

CircleCI publication flow process

ODDD uses CircleCI to publish updates from dev to the live site. Here are current instructions for this publication process.

  • Navigate to ODDD's CircleCI account.
  • Use the filters to select:
    • Project: site
    • Branch: main

Screen grab of the CircleCI filter options

  • Click on the Trigger Pipeline button. The Trigger Pipeline popup will appear:

Screen grab of the Trigger Pipeline popup

  • Click the "Add Parameters" dropdown and input the following information:
    • Parameter type: boolean
    • Name: copy-database
    • Value: true
  • Then click the blue "Trigger Pipeline" button.

Screen grab of the Trigger Pipeline - add parameters popup

  • Watch CircleCI to make sure the build completes and that no errors occurred.
  • Once CircleCI is finished building, the updates will be live on

Directus pagination issues

  • Directus has a feature where it creates pagination in pages where there are many instances of content/card/tab/accordion blocks. This feature removes all the manual organizing we do within a page, so we need to increase the limit of block instances allowed within a page.
  • In order to increase the number of instances that can be on a page, within the CMS go to:
    • Settings gear (on the left-side panel)
    • Data model
    • The correct data model (ex: expansion panels)
    • Within the correct data model, select the Builder field (ex: expansion panel blocks)
    • Within the Builder field, select the Interface option
    • Increase the "Per Page" option to 150
    • Click the purple checkmark at the top right to save your changes
  • This fix for pagination is also cataloged in GitHub issue #2052