Installation - OKTOTV/INTAKE GitHub Wiki


You need

  • Advanced knowledge of the terminal interface
  • User and group privileges
  • How to install a webserver
  • basic understanding how Symfony2 Projects are set up

INTAKE needs

  • php >= 5.4.x (>= 5.6.x preferred)
  • your preferred database (it needs to be supported by Doctrine ORM)
  • any kind of web server (Apache, Nginx, etc)
  • hard drive space for uploaded files

Download and Install


Thanks to Github, you can grab the newest version of INTAKE on your machine with following command git clone


Use composer to install all packages used by INTAKE. (You should be in the project directory)

composer.phar install

This command will ask you various, on your setup depending questions. You can find all of them in app/config/parameters.yml if you wish to change them.

Big File Downloads

If you plan to use INTAKE with very large Files (bigger than 100MB) you should consider installing xsendfile_mod to your Webserver. If you do that, set xsendfile: yes in your parameters.yml You can find more about xsendfile here

INTAKE First Setup

Setup your Database based on the settings in your parameters.yml. php app/console doctrine:database:create php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Setup your first Administrator

php app/console intake:warmup php app/console intake:create_admin --name="YOURNAME" --email="YOUREMAIL"

If you experience a white page now, try clearing your cache php app/console cache:clear

Ready to go

You should now be able to browse around the page and even log into your Administrator Account.