How to run a... Project Matchmaking - OKFNau/okfnau GitHub Wiki

Before (event co-ordinator)

  1. Find a space. Thoughtworks is fine. A big open space with room for 50-100 people.
  2. Set up meet-up event. Suggested text:

Looking for a project to hack on? Have a project and need help? Project Matchmaking is a fun event where we try to find connections between the skills you have and the people who need them.

Pick one skill or knowledge set you're happy to share with others ("Java programming" or "information about disability access"), plus something you're looking for ("help with cleaning data" or "an interesting project to work on"). Everyone gets a chance to say what they can offer and what they need, and then we'll give you a chance to chat and find a useful fit.

Preparation on the day

Designate a host, caterer and a scribe.

  1. Caterer: Buy food and drinks. Substantial snacks (eg, dumplings) recommended.
  2. Scribe: Put butcher's paper out the front with markers. Set up columns: "Name | Skill | Needs"

Event structure

  1. Host welcomes everyone and introduces concept, then starts the ball rolling. Keep things moving!
  2. Each person says:
  • Their name
  • A skill or knowledge that they can contribute. For instance, "I can code Java" or "I know lots of stuff about accessibility in Melbourne".
  • Something that they need help with. For instance, "I'm looking for a Python programmer" or "I need data about car accidents" or even "I'm looking for a project to work on".
  1. Scribe writes name, skill and needs. Make a note of anyone who has a project ready to go and just needs people.
  2. When all done, host points out any obvious connections, and highlights the people who had projects ready to go. ("Want to work on crowdsourced fruit tree finder? Talk to Casey over here.") Then invite people to mingle to form matches, or to come back to the list for more inspiration.
  3. All organisers: do your best to facilitate match-making.
  4. Caterer: Serve food 20-30 minutes later.

Follow up

(Do we want to retain the list in some electronic form?)