Medical History - OHDSI/ETL--PulmonaryHypertensionRegistries GitHub Wiki

Source Medical History can be translated into the CDM in two ways: as regular events or observations.

The latter is used when dealing with records without dates. For example, the source table has only the date when a clinical fact was recorded into the table, but not when it actually took place. In this case, populate the Observation table with 'History of' events, i.e., History of, History of clinical finding, with appropriate value as concept id expressing the event itself or something more specific like History of fibromatosis, etc., where the event itself is included into the historic observation concept. With this approach, it is possible to store information about events that did not happen, if there is a need for such information. To do this, one can use the following concepts: No history of, No history of procedure or similar 'no history of' concept. See also Negative and unknown events.

Another option is to store medical history events as regular events. In this case, the dates of the events must be present in the source data. Due to the nature of medical history, such events will probably be outside of the observation period.