Examples - OHBA-analysis/HMM-MAR GitHub Wiki

The next shows some basic examples of the basic HMM-MAR toolbox functionality. These examples are not intended to be particularly interesting, but rather to provide a basic illustration of the toolbox's functionality, and a starting point to analyse real data. Other (more paper-related) examples can be found within the code repository. More up-to-date and detailed examples than the ones in this page can also be found as part of the course that we run on MEG data analysis: here and also here.

Initialising the parameters:

addpath(genpath('.')) % assuming we are in the HMM-MAR directory
K = 4; % number of states
ndim = 3; % number of channels
N = 10; % number of trials
Fs = 200;
T = 10000 * ones(N,1); % number of data points

Creating a HMM-MAR structure, with Gaussian observations (order equal to 0):

hmmtrue = struct();
hmmtrue.K = K;
hmmtrue.state = struct();
hmmtrue.train.covtype = 'full';
hmmtrue.train.zeromean = 0;
hmmtrue.train.order = 0;
hmmtrue.train.lowrank = 0;

r0 = randn(ndim); % common factor
for k = 1:K
    hmmtrue.state(k).W.Mu_W = rand(1,ndim);
    r = randn(ndim);
    hmmtrue.state(k).Omega.Gam_rate = 1000 * (0.75 * r0' * r0 + 0.25 * r' * r + eye(ndim));
    hmmtrue.state(k).Omega.Gam_shape = 1000;

hmmtrue.P = rand(K) + 100 * eye(K);  
for j=1:K,
    hmmtrue.P(j,:) = hmmtrue.P(j,:) ./ sum(hmmtrue.P(j,:));
hmmtrue.Pi = ones(1,K); %rand(1,K);
hmmtrue.Pi = hmmtrue.Pi./sum(hmmtrue.Pi);

Generating some data:

[X,T,Gammatrue] = simhmmmar(T,hmmtrue,[]);

Training a HMM model with Gaussian states:

options = struct();
options.K = K; 
options.Fs = Fs; 
options.covtype = 'full';
options.order = 0;
options.DirichletDiag = 2; 
options.zeromean = 0;
options.verbose = 1;

[hmm, Gamma, Xi, vpath] = hmmmar(X,T,options);

Plot (a segment of the) true state path

figure; subplot(3,1,1)
plot(Gammatrue(1:1000,:)), set(gca,'Title',text('String','True state path'))
set(gca,'ylim',[-0.2 1.2]); ylabel('state #')

Plot estimated probabilistic state time courses (note that the states' order within the HMM struct is random, so which colour is which is also random in the figure)

plot(Gamma(1:1000,:)), set(gca,'Title',text('String','True state path'))
set(gca,'ylim',[-0.2 1.2]); ylabel('state #')

Plot Viterbi path

plot(vpath(1:1000)), set(gca,'Title',text('String','True state path'))
set(gca,'ylim',[0 hmm.K+1]); ylabel('state #')

Plot ground truth covariance matrices

subplot(2,4,1), imagesc(getFuncConn(hmmtrue,1)), colormap('gray'), set(gca,'Title',text('String','Simulated covariance'))
subplot(2,4,2), imagesc(getFuncConn(hmmtrue,2)), colormap('gray'), set(gca,'Title',text('String','Simulated covariance'))
subplot(2,4,3), imagesc(getFuncConn(hmmtrue,3)), colormap('gray'), set(gca,'Title',text('String','Simulated covariance'))
subplot(2,4,4), imagesc(getFuncConn(hmmtrue,4)), colormap('gray'), set(gca,'Title',text('String','Simulated covariance'))

Plot inferred covariance matrices (not that the order of the states is arbitrary)

subplot(2,4,5), imagesc(getFuncConn(hmm,1)), colormap('gray'), set(gca,'Title',text('String','Inferred covariance'))
subplot(2,4,6), imagesc(getFuncConn(hmm,2)), colormap('gray'), set(gca,'Title',text('String','Inferred covariance'))
subplot(2,4,7), imagesc(getFuncConn(hmm,3)), colormap('gray'), set(gca,'Title',text('String','Inferred covariance'))
subplot(2,4,8), imagesc(getFuncConn(hmm,4)), colormap('gray'), set(gca,'Title',text('String','Inferred covariance'))

Training an HMM-MAR model (even when the data was generated with a HMM-Gaussian)

options = struct();
options.K = K; 
options.Fs = Fs; 
options.covtype = 'diag';
options.order = 1;
options.DirichletDiag = 2; 
options.zeromean = 1;
options.verbose = 1;

[hmm,Gamma,Xi] = hmmmar(X,T,options);

Using cross-validation to assess this configuration of parameters:

options.cvfolds = 2;
[mcv,cv] = cvhmmmar(X,T,options);

Re-compute the free energy:

fe = hmmfe(X,T,hmm,Gamma,Xi);

Getting the parametric MAR spectra:

options.Fs = Fs; 
options.completelags = 1;
options.MLestimation = 1; 
options.order = 20; % increase the order
options.p = 0.01;
spectral_info = hmmspectramar(X,T,[],Gamma,options);

Plotting the MAR spectra:

plot_hmmspectra (spectral_info);

Getting the non-parametric spectra:

options_mt = struct('Fs',Fs);
options_mt.fpass = [1 48];
options_mt.tapers = [4 7];
options_mt.p = 0;
options_mt.win = 500;
options_mt.order = 2;
spectral_info = hmmspectramt(X,T,Gamma,options_mt);

Plotting the non-parametric spectra:

plot_hmmspectra (spectral_info);

Getting different measures about the state dynamics:

FO = getFractionalOccupancy (Gamma,T,hmm.train); % state fractional occupancies per session
LifeTimes = getStateLifeTimes (Gamma,T,hmm.train); % state life times
Intervals = getStateIntervalTimes (Gamma,T,hmm.train); % interval times between state visits
SwitchingRate =  getSwitchingRate(Gamma,T,hmm.train); % rate of switching between stats