userModel - ODEX-TOS/tos-installer-backend GitHub Wiki

A user model holds all information to make a new user. You can make multiple users thus each user should be in the users array Here is an example

  - users:
      - user:
          name: "alpha" # user by the name alpha
          password: "123" # the password of said user
      - user:
          name: "zetta"
          password: "456"
          shell: "/bin/zsh" # default shell for the user
          groups: # the groups the user is in
            - wheel
            - power

At least the name and password must be specified Optionally you can specify either a shell or groups or both You can change all default of the user in the config.yaml file If no option is provided and no config.yaml file is present then these are the defaults

 shell: "/bin/bash" # default shell for the user
 groups: # the groups the user is in
  - audio
  - lp
  - optical
  - storage
  - video
  - wheel
  - games
  - power

If you wish to use this model add createuser: name as a build step in the execution array. Where name is the name of your user