packageModel - ODEX-TOS/tos-installer-backend GitHub Wiki

A package is a command listing all packages that you can install

Lets look at a quick example

  - packages:
      - package:
          name: "package1"
          install: "pacman -Syu --noconfirm"
          packagefile: "packages.txt" # either from a file
      - package:
          name: "package2"
          package: # or a list in this format
            - vim
            - nano

packages are defined in the packages array as package objects. Each object must have a name option as this is used to identify which packages to install in the execution step Here are the optional package steps

  • install the command used to install the software
  • package an array of packages to install
  • packagefile a file containing packages (each package needs to be on a separate line

If both package and packagefile are provided the packagefile will be read

If you wish to use this model add packages: name as a build step in the execution array. Where name is the name of your package