chrootStep - ODEX-TOS/tos-installer-backend GitHub Wiki
A chroot is an execution step. It will execute a series of execution steps in a chrooted environment under a certain user. Lets take a look at the yaml
- chroots:
- chroot:
name: "alpha" # name of the user to chroot
mount: "/media" # alternative mountpoint to chroot to
- chroot:
name: "root"
- chroot:
user: "root" # execute the next steps in the chrooted environment as a root user
- systemsetup: # perform the systemsetup step as a chrooted user
- bootloader: "/dev/sda" # install the bootloader on a chrooted system as the root user
- chroot:
user: "alpha" # chroot as a different user than root
- packages: "userpackages" # execute the packages step as a non root user
- script: "script1" # execute a script as a non root user
you need to add your execution steps under a chrooted environment if you want to execute command onto that environment.
Generally you do the following when preparing a system
- build partitiontable
- format and mount parititions
- bootstrap base system and add fstab
- chroot into mounted system
- execute your changes inside a chrooted environment
In other words do everything in a chroot step except for preparations of a disk and installing a base copy of your linux environment