ScriptModel - ODEX-TOS/tos-installer-backend GitHub Wiki

A script is a custom shell script that can be executed during the installation.

A script model looks like the following

 - scripts:
      - script:
          name: "script1"
          file: ""
          command: "echo hello world"

You define your script in a scripts array. Each script must have a name parameter. If none is supplied you can't call that script. A script can either have a file or command attribute. The file attribute will execute a shell script located in a file in the above case This can be any path or file

If no file is provided than you need to specify the command property. This is a simple command or series of commands to execute.

You can also have a multiline command as such

- scripts:
      - script:
          name: "script1"
          command: |
            echo "this is"
            echo "a multiline command"

If you want multiple script do the following

  - scripts:
      - script:
          name: "script1"
          command: "echo first script"
      - script:
          name: "script2"
          file: ""

If you wish to use this model add script: name as a build step in the execution array. Where name is the name of your script