Home - ODEX-TOS/tos-installer-backend GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the tos-installer-backend wiki!
Here you can gather information on how to write both data.yaml
and config.yaml
All the options available on them and how to write them.
Here is an example of a full data.yaml
- disks:
- disk:
device: "/dev/sda" # can also be /dev/disk/by-uuid or a command in the form $(command here)
size: "499G"
gpt: true # is the partitiontable gpt or msdos (by default gpt if not set)
table: true # build a new partition table (by default true). If this is set to false the below partitions will be added to an exisiting partitiontable
- partition:
name: "efi" # just a usefull name to assign a partitions
mount: "/boot/efi" # place to mount the partition
filesystem: "fat32" # type of filesystem as defined in model.models.partition.EFilesystem
start: "1MiB" # parted syntax for defining a location
end: "200MiB"
- partition:
name: "boot" # just a usefull name to assign a partitions
mount: "/boot" # place to mount the partition
filesystem: "ext4" # type of filesystem as defined in model.models.partition.EFilesystem
start: "200MiB" # parted syntax for defining a location
end: "800MiB"
- partition:
name: "swap"
mount: "swap"
filesystem: "ext4"
start: "800MiB"
end: "8GiB"
- partition:
name: "root"
mount: "/"
filesystem: "luks"
start: "8GiB"
end: "98%"
encrypted: True
password: "a"
- volume:
name: "root"
size: "200G"
mountpoint: "/"
- volume:
name: "home"
size: "200G"
mountpoint: "/home"
- partition:
name: "offset"
mount: "/tmp"
filesystem: "ext4"
start: "97%"
end: "99%"
offset: 8 # set the partition number here. This means that partition number 5, 6 and 7 are configured elsewhere (eg a exisiting ubuntu install)
- partition:
name: "offset"
mount: "/proc"
filesystem: "ext4"
offset: 9 # all partition below the first offset need to be manually set to another number
resize: true # by default false. If this is true
size: "1GB" # a resize partition doesn't need a start or end. It only needs a new size set
- chroots:
- chroot:
name: "alpha" # name of the user to chroot
mount: "/media" # alternative mountpoint to chroot to
- chroot:
name: "root"
- users:
- user:
name: "alpha" # user by the name alpha
password: "123" # the password of said user
- user:
name: "zetta"
password: "456"
shell: "/bin/zsh" # default shell for the user
- wheel
- power
- system:
local: "en_US.UTF-8"
keymap: "be-latin1"
hostname: "tos"
password: "123"
- packages:
- package:
name: "userpackages"
install: "yay -Syu --noconfirm"
packagefile: "packages.txt" # either from a file
package: # or a list in this format
- a
- b
- scripts:
# todo script should have a user an base command (/bin/sh)
- script:
name: "script1"
file: "test.sh"
command: |
echo hello world
echo hello 2 $USER
- script:
name: "script2"
file: "show.sh"
- network:
ssid: "ssid"
password: "passphrase"
- partitiontable: "/dev/sda" # build a partition table
- format: "/dev/sda" # format a drive
- format: "efi" # format partition based on its name
- mount: "/dev/sda" # mount all partitions from this drive you can also specify a partition
- network: # try to get a network connection if no connection already exists
- bootstrap: # bootstrap the system
- fstab: # generate fstab based on mounted partitions
- chroot:
user: "root" # execute the next steps in the chrooted environment
- systemsetup:
- createuser: "alpha"
- bootloader: "/dev/sda" # point to a disk model
- chroot:
user: "alpha"
- packages: "userpackages"
- script: "script1"
- script: "script1"
Config file
Here is an example of how a config.yaml
file should look like
INSTALLCOMMAND: "pacman -Syu --noconfirm" # command to install software
IP: "" # ip to check network connection
WIFI_CONNECT_COMMAND: "wifi-menu" # command to interactivally connect to the network
WIFI_CONNECT_COMMAND_WITH_PASSWORD: "nmcli device wifi connect '{}' password '{}'" # command to automaticaly connect to a network
DEFAULT_SHELL: "/bin/bash" # default shell for new users
USERADD: "useradd -m -p {} -g users -G {} -s {} {}" # command to add new users
MOUNTPOINT: "/mnt" # default mountpoint
# bootloader related commands
BOOTLOADER_EFI: "grub-install --efi-directory /boot/efi --force {}"
BOOTLOADER_DOS: "grub-install --root-directory=/boot {}"
BOOTLOADER_CONFIG: "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
# system settings
LOCAL: "en_US.UTF-8"
KEYMAP: "be-latin1"
ROOT_PWD: "123"
CHROOT: "arch-chroot -u {} {}"
# encryption command
LUKS: "cryptsetup luksFormat -v -s 512 -h sha512 {}"
LUKS_OPEN: "cryptsetup open {} luks_lvm"
LUKS_NAME: "tos"
LUKS_DEVICE: "/dev/mapper/luks_lvm"
# fstab commands
FSTAB: "genfstab -U -p /mnt > /mnt/etc/fstab"
- audio
- lp
- optical
- storage
- video
- wheel
- games
- power
BOOTSTRAP: "pacstrap --noconfirm /mnt"
- base
- base-devel
- efibootmgr
- vim
- dialog
- grub
# an array of kernels to be installed on the system
# eg you can do both linux and linux-lts or something
- linux