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Using Wikibase as a platform for library linked data management and discovery
OCLC DevConnect Online webinar, 16 October 2018
A recording of the webinar is available.
This workshop introduces Wikibase and associated applications for data creation, editing, and discovery. Learn the steps required to deploy and configure a stand-alone instance of Wikibase, and load data into it for a set of bibliographic entities. You’ll then be able to use that Wikibase instance to test entity creation and editing, experiment with batch processing using the Pywikibot Python library, and try out a SPARQL endpoint for a triplestore based on the Wikibase data.
The webinar includes a demonstration of the steps for installing Wikibase and Pywikibot on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) virtual machine, running an image of the Amazon Linux system, and batch loading some sample data.
- See the script used for that demonstration, and try the steps yourself.
- View related resources