Creating Models Using Test Driven Development - OCLC-Developer-Network/devconnect2018-idm GitHub Wiki

Test Setup

  1. Open package.json
  2. Add line to scripts section to run tests
    "test": "mocha"
  1. Create a directory within tests called mocks
    1. Add the following files to mocks containing the linked code
      1. userResponse
      2. errorMock
      3. errorResponse
      4. AccessTokenMock.js
      5. AccessTokenMock.js
      6. access_token_response

Write your first test

  1. In tests directory create a file named user.test.js to test your User Class
  2. Open user.test.js and add constants for classes you want to use (WSKey and Access Token)
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const moxios = require('moxios');
const fs = require('fs');

const User = require('../src/User');
const user_response = fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(__dirname, './mocks/userResponse.json')).toString();

  1. Write for Test creating a User
    1. Create a new User object a. load API response as JSON
    2. Test that it is an instance of a User object
describe('Create user test', () => {
    let my_user;
      before(() => {
            my_user = new User(JSON.parse(user_response));
      it('Creates an User object', () => {
  1. Make the test pass by creating User class and constructor

    1. In the src directory create a file named User.js to represent the User Class
    2. Open User.js, declare User class and add use constants for classes you want to use
    const axios = require("axios");
    const serviceUrl = '';
    const UserError = require('../src/UserError');
    module.exports = class User {
    1. Create a constructor for the User class
    constructor(doc) {
        this.doc = doc;
  2. Run tests

npm test
  1. Write a test for making sure a doc property is set
    1. Make sure "Creates an User object" passes
    2. Test that it is an instance of a JSON object
      it('Sets the User properties', () => {
  1. Run tests
npm test


  1. Write a test to ensure "getter" functions are returning values
    1. Make sure "Sets the User properties" passes
    2. Test each "getter" method returns appropriate value.
      it('Has functioning getters', () => {
        expect(my_user.getEmail()).to.equal("[email protected]");
  1. Write function to get the FamilyName in User class

        getFamilyName() {
  2. Run tests

npm test
  1. Write function to get a GivenName in User class

        getGivenName() {
  2. Run tests

npm test
  1. Write function to get the MiddleName in the User class
    getMiddleName() {
  1. Run tests
npm test
  1. Write function to get the Email in User class
    getEmail() {
  1. Run tests
npm test
  1. Write function to get the OclcPPID in the User Class
    getOclcPPID() {
        return this.doc.oclcPPID;
  1. Run tests
npm test
  1. Write function to get the InstitutionId in the User Class
    getInstitutionId() {
        return this.doc.institutionId;
  1. Run tests
npm test
  1. Write function to get the OclcNamespace in the User Class
    getOclcNamespace() {
        return this.doc.oclcNamespace;
  1. Run tests
npm test

Getting a User from the API

  1. Tell tests what file to use for mocks
describe('Get self user tests', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
  afterEach(() => {

  it('Get user by Access Token', () => {
      moxios.stubRequest('', {
          status: 200,
          responseText: user_response
        // Test expects go here
  1. Get Self
  2. Test that object returned is an instance of a User
    return User.self(128807, 'tk_12345')
      .then(response => {
        //expect an user object back

  1. Make test pass by creating a static "self" function for the User
    1. Make function take to variables
      1. institution
      2. access token
    2. Create a url for the request
    3. Create an HTTP client
    4. Create a set of headers
    5. try to make the HTTP request
      1. If successful
        1. Pass response to create a new User
      2. If fails
        1. Pass response off to UserError to handle
    static self(institution, accessToken) {
        var config = {
                  headers: {
                      'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken,
                      'User-Agent': 'node.js KAC client'
        let url = 'https://' + institution + serviceUrl + '/Me';
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            axios.get(url, config)
                .then(response => {
                    // parse out the User
                    resolve(new User(;           
                .catch (error => {
                    reject(new UserError(error));
  1. Run tests
npm test

Write test for getting data from User

  1. Test that getFamilyName method returns a value of Coombs
  2. Test that getGivenName method returns a value of Karen
  3. Test that getMiddleName method returns a value of ""
  4. Test that getEmail method returns a value of [email protected]
  5. Test that getOclcPPID method returns a value of 412d947b-144e-4ea4-97f5-fd6593315f17
  6. Test that getInstitutionId method returns a value of 128807
  7. Test that getOclcNamespace method returns a value of urn:oclc:platform:127950
    expect(response.getEmail()).to.equal("[email protected]");
  1. Run tests
npm test

Write the first test for the UserError Class

  1. In tests directory create a file named user_error.test.js to test your UserError Class
  2. Open user_error.test.js and add constants for classes you want to use (WSKey and Access Token)
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const moxios = require('moxios');
const fs = require('fs');

const UserError = require('../src/UserError');
const error_response = fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(__dirname, './mocks/errorResponse.json')).toString();
const User = require('../src/User');

const error_mock = require('./mocks/errorMock');
  1. Write for Test creating a UserError
    1. Create a new UserError object
    2. Test that it is an instance of a UserError object
describe('Create Error test', () => {
    var error;
      before(() => {
            error = new UserError(error_mock);
      it('Creates an Error object', () => {
  1. Make the test pass by creating UserError class and constructor

    1. In the src directory create a file named UserError.js to represent the UserError Class
    2. Open UserError.js and declare UserError class
    module.exports = class UserError {
    1. Create a constructor for the UserError class
    constructor(error) {
        this.error = error;
        if (this.error.response) {
            // The request was made and the server responded with a status code
            // that falls out of the range of 2xx
            this.code = this.error.response.status;
            this.request = this.error.request;
            this.doc =;
            this.message = this.doc.detail;
          } else if (this.error.request) {
            // The request was made but no response was received
            this.request = this.error.request;
          } else {
            // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error
            this.message = this.error.message;
  2. Run tests

npm test

Properties set

  1. Write code to ensure error properties are set
      it('Sets the Error properties', () => {
        expect(error.message).to.equal('Authentication failure. Missing or invalid authorization token.')
  1. Run tests
npm test


  1. Write a test to ensure "getter" functions are returning values
      it('Has functioning getters', () => {
        expect(error.getMessage()).to.equal('Authentication failure. Missing or invalid authorization token.')
  1. Write code for getting a request error
        return this.requestError;
  1. Run tests
npm test
  1. Create function to retrieve error code
        return this.code;
  2. Run tests
npm test
  1. Create function to retrieve error message
        return this.message
  2. Run tests
npm test

Test that Access Token error can be properly parsed

  1. Add mock for Access token error
const accesstoken_error_mock = require('./mocks/accessTokenErrorMock')
  1. Pass the UserError class the Access Token error mock
  2. Check the object is instantiated
  3. Test the properties are set
  4. Test the getters work
describe('Create Error from Access Token Error test', () => {
    var error;
      before(() => {
            error = new UserError(accesstoken_error_mock);
      it('Creates an Error object', () => {
      it('Sets the Error properties', () => {
        expect(error.message).to.equal('Authentication failure. Missing or invalid authorization token.')
      it('Has functioning getters', () => {
        expect(error.getMessage()).to.equal('Authentication failure. Missing or invalid authorization token.')

Alter UserError Class to handle Access Token errors

  1. Change UserError Class constructor
this.code = this.error.response.status;
this.request = this.error.request;
this.doc =;

this.message = this.doc.detail;


if (this.error.response.status) {
    this.code = this.error.response.status;
} else {
    this.code = this.error.response.statusCode;

this.request = this.error.request;
if ({
    this.doc =;
    this.message = this.doc.detail;
    this.detail = null;
} else {
    this.doc = JSON.parse(this.error.response.body);
    this.message = this.doc.message;
    this.detail = this.doc.detail;
  1. Run tests
npm test

Test that an API error can be properly parsed

  1. Create tests for parsing API errors
    1. Tell tests what file to use for mocks
    2. Call User::self in a failed fashion
    3. Test error is an instance of UserError
    4. Test the getCode() method returns 401
    5. Test the getMessage() method returns Authentication failure. Missing or invalid authorization token.
describe('API Error tests', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
  afterEach(() => {

  it('Returns a 401 Error from an HTTP request', () => {
      moxios.stubRequest('', {
          status: 401,
          responseText: error_response
    return User.self(128807, 'tk_12345')
      .catch(error => {
        //expect an Error object back
        expect(error.getMessage()).to.equal('Authentication failure. Missing or invalid authorization token.')
  1. Run tests
npm test