MVP Feature List - OByrnes/chatter-app GitHub Wiki

MVP List

ChatterApp, a Chat app, is a website for users to have conversations and meet new friends.

1. New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users can use a demo log in to try the site.
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (like messaging and adding friends).
  • Logged in users are directed to their profile page which displays their friend list.
  • Logged out users are directed to a splash page.

2. Hosting on Heroku

3. Messages

  • Logged in users can send messages to each other.
  • Logged in users can edit and delete their own messages.

4. Conversations

  • Logged in users can start conversations with one or more friends.
  • Logged in users can leave conversations.

---- End of minimum viable product ----

5. Websockets

  • Messaging is connected to websockets, allowing for real time conversations between users

6. Friends

  • Logged in users can send friend requests to other users.
  • Logged in users can accept or reject friend requests.

7. Production README

  • Brief explanation of what the app is and does.
  • How to start development environment
  • Technologies used
  • Link to live site
  • Link to Wiki docs
  • Discussion of two features that show off the team's technical abilities
  • Discussion of both challenges faced and the way the team solved them
  • Code snippets to highlight the best code

8. Bonus Features

  • Users are able to block other users
  • Users are able to post images in their messages
  • Users are able to set an avatar image for their profile
  • Users are able to see how many messages they have yet to read via notifications