3.Problem Definition - O-division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-13 GitHub Wiki

  1. Need statement: semi-automatic card dealing machine.

2.Designers: Prateek,Samarth Pai,Jyoti,Vidula

  1. Client: Mr.Prashant Udapudi
Sl.No Questions Answers Obective/Constraint/Functions
1. Do you want semi-automatic/automatic or manual system? Semi-automatic Objective
2. Do you want fixed or portable system? Portable Obective
3. Do u need heavy or light weight machine? Less than 3kg Constraint
4. What are the dimensions? 1.5 *1.5 *1.5 ft Constraint
5. What is time required to distribute the playing cards? less than 2 min Constraint
6. What is the budget? Less than Rs3000 Constraint
7. Do you want any sensing system in your machine? yes Function
8. Do you want to deal the cards? yes function
9. Do u want battery based or electricity powered machine? electrical Objective
10. Do u want cards storing unit? Yes function
11. Should it be aesthetically feasible? Yes Objective
12. Should the machine be user friendly? Yes Objective
13. What is the time requried to build the machine? 3 months Constraints


Sl.No Obectives
1. semi-automatic
2. portable/Light weight
3. aesthetically pleasing
4. user friendly

Problem definition 1.1: Design a card dealing machine,which is semi automatic ,aesthetically pleasing, portable and user friendly.


Sl.No Constraints
1. weight should be less than 3kg
2. Dimensions 1.5 *1.5 *1.5feet
3. Time requried less than 2min
4. Cost within 3000Rs

Problem defination1.2: Design a card dealing machine ,which is semi automatic ,it should be portable and user friendl.Machine should be light weight ,its dimensions must not exceed 1.5 *1.5 *1.5 feet ,complete dealing of cards must not exceed 2 min,to build the machine budget must not exceed Rs.3000.


Sl.No Functions
1. Dealing the cards
2. sensing the cards
3. Storing the cards

Problem definition 1.3: Design a card dealing machine which is portable,light weight, aesthetically pleasing as well as user friendly. The machine should dispense cards . Dimensions of machine should be 1.5 *1.5 *1.5ft.It should weigh less than 3kg.It should store the cards.The cost of machine should range upto Rs3000.The machine should sense availability of cards. The dealing should be done without damaging a single card.