5. Concept evaluation and product architecture - O-division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-02 GitHub Wiki

Assigning weights to objectives

Table 1: Weightage of objectives

sl.no Objective weights
1 The stamp of should be small 6
2 Machine Should be small in size 7
3 Machine Should be light weight 8
4 Machine Should be Simple and Attractive 5

Pugh Chart

Table 2: Pugh Chart

Objectives Weights Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
The stamp of should be small 6 + + + Datum
Machine Should be small in size 7 - - 0 datum
Machine Should be light weight 8 - 0 0 Datum
Machine Should be Simple and Attractive 5 + - + Dtaum
----------- -------- -------- ------- --------- --------
Score(+) 11 6 12 0
score(-) 15 12 0 0
Total -4 -6 12 0

5.1 Justification of assigning the weights

Table 3: Justification

design no. objective score given Justification
1 Stamp size 6 the stamp of this design is small
Machine size -7 the machine size is bigger then expected
Machine weight -8 The machine is heavy
Machine appearance 5 Machine is better in appearance
2 Stamp size 6 the stamp of this design is small
Machine size -7 the machine size is bigger then expected
Machine weight 0 the machine is a bit heavy
Machine appearance -5 Machine is not good in appearance
3 Stamp size 6 the stamp of this design is small
Machine size 0 its normal
Machine weight 0 its not heavy
Machine appearance 12 It is good looking
4 Stamp size 0 datum
Machine size 0 datum
Machine weight 0 datum
Machine appearance 0 datum

5.2 Selected design

final design

5.3 Product architecture

5.4 Function clustering

fclus 4

Identifying the sub-systems

1. Indication unit

2. Stamping unit

3. Collecting unit

5.5 Interactions Between Subsystems

Table 4,5,6: Interactions Between Subsystems

Indication unit Stamping unit Collecting unit
Spatial Yes Yes
Data No No
Material Yes Yes
Stamping unit Indication unit Collecting unit
Spatial Yes Yes
Data Yes No
Material Yes Yes
Collecting unit Stamping unit Indication unit
Spatial Yes Yes
Data Yes Yes
Material Yes No