5.CONCEPT SELECTION - O-Division-2020-2021-Even/Repo-16 GitHub Wiki

Weightage to the objectives:

Sl.no Objectives Weightage
1. User-friendly 6
2. Portability 9
3. Reusable materials 4
4. Cost 5
5. Aesthetics 6


Design Objectives Weightage Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
User friendly 8 + DATUM + +
Portability 7 + DATUM + +
Reusable materials 4 - DATUM - -
Cost 5 + DATUM + +
Aesthetics 6 ++ DATUM - +
Score(+) 32 0 20 26
Score (-) -4 0 -10 -4
Total 28 0 10 22

Justifications for the given score:

Concepts Objectives Score given Justification
User-friendly ++ It is very easy to use because it has mobile authentification as nowadays it is most common that every guy knows the usage of a smartphone so that only the user can access it
Portability + It is portable such that we can carry it everywhere and it is handy to use. It has good grip to hold it
Reusable materials - Some of the materials used here can be reused to have some other locking gadgets
Cost + As per the cost given by the user this is the good choice so that we can approach the constraint of the user
Aesthetics ++ It has an aesthetic appreciation
User-friendly 0 As compared to the selected design it is the design which is not much securable
Portability 0 It is also portable but the volume which we hold feels uncomfortable
Reusable materials 0 Here also the components can be reused for other locking equipment .
Cost 0 Here the cost becomes very expensive as we have to install fingerprint reader and hence the user doesn't prefer it
Aesthetics 0 It is not an efficient model compared to the selected design
User friendly + It is easy to use but here we use an RFID card so it is unsecured that some other anonymous may take the RFID card
Portability + It is portable but the design is not handy and is not stable when we place it on the surface.
Reusable materials - Here also some of the materials can be reused
Cost + Here the cost becomes expensive due to the usage of RFID card reader
Aesthetics - As per this point of view it looks good but not efficient compared to the selected model
User friendly + It is not that easy to use because fingerprint reader can misuse
Portability + It is not portable because it needs a power supply without which it cant be opened
Reusable materials - here the materials also can be reused
Cost + here the cost becomes more expensive from user perspective
Aesthetics + It is also an aesthetic product.


Subsystems identified:

1.Locking mechanism

2.User interface



Interaction between subsystems:

Locking mechanism User interface Casing
Material Interaction No Yes
Data Interaction No Yes
Spatial Interaction No Yes
User Interface Locking mechanism Casing
Material Interaction No No
Data Interaction Yes Yes
Spatial Interaction No No
Casing Locking mechanism User Interface
Material Interaction Yes No
Data Interaction Yes No
Spatial Interaction No Yes