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Need Statement:

Garvit jewelry shop in hubballi needs automatic safe lockers to store the bracelets.


A locker is a small storage space that is normally narrow. They're usually found in cabinets, banks , often in large numbers, in public places like locker rooms, offices, high schools, gyms, swimming pools transportation hubs, and so on.



A smart lock is a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth-enabled smart devices gadget that allows users to leave their personal belongings at home and lock and unlock doors with the touch of a finger or a voice command. Smart locks also allow you to unlock a door remotely while you're at work, allowing you to let a friend in while you're at work. Smart lock

Existing Products In The Market

1) Biometric Safe Locker

Godrej's E-Bio safe locker is a small and attractive safe that protects your valuables with the most special and complicated key design : your fingerprint. A product by godrej

2)Godrej E-Swipe Locker

Debit/credit cards can be used to unlock and enter a safe equipped with an advanced magnetic swipe reader. PIN also can be used to open it .


Cardboard locker using password:

It is a type of smart locker. This is a locker in which push on-off switches, a battery, and a motor are used in order to make it. As the name says there is a password for this locker and opens only when we enter the correct password. It is a portable one and is used for storing valuable things.

Fingerprint smart locker:

This is the type of smart locker where a user uses his fingerprint in order to unlock the locker. This is a kind of safe locker that does its job perfectly. A fingerprint sensor is used which is used to scan the fingerprint. A servo motor, a high power battery, and an Arduino Uno are used in order to prepare it.


1)https://www.google.co.in/search?q=+what+are+biometric+safe+locker&sxsrf=ALeKk034hrqwun0Q6PXgpaLIkg1bt5pBLg%3A1621172622446&ei=jiGhYK3RGpSfmgfumrC4Dw&oq=+what+are+biometric+safe+locker&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEM0CMgUIABDNAjoHCCMQsAMQJzoHCAAQRxCwAzoECCMQJzoCCAA6BggAEAcQHjoGCAAQCBAeUK8fWK41YLU8aAFwAngAgAHmAogByhOSAQcwLjcuMS4zmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwit0J7Sqs7wAhWUj-YKHW4NDPcQ4dUDCA4&uact=5 2)https://shop.godrejsecure.com/product_details.php?id=276 3)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv4WFTeHut4 4)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpXuEghz1zc&t=200s

Cost Estimate:-

SL.NO Components cost
1. Aurdiuno mega 2560 Rs.1207
2. Fingerprint Sensor xiaomi Rs.699
3. Magnet Rs.140
4. DC motor Rs.99
5. Battery Rs.152
6. wires Rs.100
TOTAL 2397/-

Cost references:
