1. Problem Definition - O-Division-2020-2021-Even/Repo-11 GitHub Wiki

Need Statement:

In an art and craft supply store, there is a need for a machine that can draw different shapes or patterns

1.1 Question and Answer

                 Table 1: Questions and answers
Sl.No Questions Answers Objective/Function/Constraint
1. What should be the maximum cost of bot? Upto Rs.4000 Constraint
2. Should the bot be manual or automatic? Semi-automatic Objective
3. What should be maximum weight of bot? Upto 5 kgs Constraint
4. What should be the dimension of bot? 1.5x1.5x1.5 cubic feet Constraint
5. How many patterns it has to draw per minute? Minimum 1 per minute Constraint
6. Should the pattern be permanent or erasable? Permanent Objective
7. Should the bot be fixed or portable? Portable Objective
8. What are the types of pattern the bot has to draw? Standard shapes like Circle, square etc Objective
9. How would you want to start the bot? Commands for initiation of process Function
10. On what surfaces the bot has to draw the designs or patterns? On a sheet of paper Objective
11. Do you want an option of selecting the designs? Yes, I would like to Select the desired pattern Function
12. Any feature with respect to the pen/marker is required? Yes,I want Ease in handling of pen/marker Function
13. Any feature with respect to operation of bot Controlling and movement of bot should be precise Function
14. Any other feature to be added? I would like to terminate the process after completion Function

1.2 Basic Survey and requirements

                 Table 2: Observation from a literature survey
Sl.No Observation from surveys Requirements
1. Weight of the bot It should be easy to carry and portable
2. Pattern drawing Should be accurate and is not smeared
3. Cost The bot should be built with minimum budget
4. No. of patterns drawn The bot should draw one pattern per minute
5. Bot materials used The materials should be non-toxic and light weight

1.3 Identifying Client's Objectives

                 Table 3: Objectives identified
Sl.no Objectives
1. Bot should be semi-automatic
2. Pattern drawn should be permanent
3. Bot should be portable
4. Bot should be able to draw all standard shapes
5. Bot should draw designs on a sheet of paper
6. Bot should be user-friendly

Problem definition version 1.1 :-

Design a semi-automatic pattern drawing bot which is portable, user-friendly and it should draw standard shapes on a sheet of paper and the pattern drawn should be non erasable.

1.4 Identify constraints

                 Table 4: Identified constraints
Sl.no Constraints
1. Cost of the bot should be within Rs.4000
2. Dimensions should be 1.5x1.5x1.5 cubic feet
3. Weight of the bot should be within 5kgs
4. Bot should draw one or more patterns per minute

Problem definition version 1.2 :-

Design a semi-automatic pattern drawing Bot which is portable,user-friendly and it should draw standard shapes on a sheet of paper and the pattern drawn should be non erasable.Bot should cost within Rs.4000 and it's dimensions should be 1.5x1.5x1.5 cubic feet.The weight of the Bot should not exceed 5kgs and it should be able to draw one or more designs per minute.

1.5 Establish Functions

                 Table 5: Identified functions
Sl.no Functions
1. User Commands for initiation
2. Select the desired pattern
3. Draw the selected pattern
4. Ease of Handling of pen/marker
5. Control and move the bot on the surface
6. Termination of the process

Problem definition version 1.3 :-

Design a semi-automatic pattern drawing Bot which is portable,user-friendly and it should draw standard shapes on a sheet of paper and the pattern drawn should be non erasable.Bot should cost within Rs.4000 and it's dimensions should be 1.5x1.5x1.5 cubic feet.The weight of the Bot should not exceed 5kgs and it should be able to draw one or more designs per minute.It should start using the commands given by the user, display the patterns that can be drawn and then draw the selected pattern on the sheet of paper.Bot should have Ease in handling the pen/marker and be able to control the movement on the surface and thereafter the user can use commands to terminate the process.