product architecture - O-Division-2018-2019/Team-8 GitHub Wiki



  1. Compact size
  2. Minimum time consumption
  3. Movement
  4. Light weight


Objectives Weightage
Compact size 8
Minimum time consumption 10
Movement 6
Light weight 4


Objectives Weightage Design idea 1 Design idea 2 Design idea 3 Design idea 4
Compact size 8 + + - datum
Minimum time consumption 10 0 + - datum
Movement 6 + 0 + datum
Light weight 4 - - 0 datum
+ score -- 14 18 6
- score -- 4 4 18
Total score -- +10 +14 -12


Design idea no. 1 Objective Score given Justification
Compact size + design 1 will have all the components arranged intact as compared to datum
Minimum time consumption 0 Because both design 1 and datum will consume same amount of time to polish the shoe
Movement + design 1 will have wheels attached hence can be moved easily
Light weight - design 1 will contain more components therefore it will be heavy as compared to datum
Design idea no. 2 Objective Score given Justification
Compact size + design 2 will have all the components arranged intact as compared to the datum
Minimum time consumption + the shoe can easily be moved to next compartment through the roller hence less time will be consumed
Movement 0 both will almost have same weight hence movement of both will be in the same way
Light weight - datum is way too light than design 2 because less components will be used
Design idea no. 3 Objective Score given Justification
Compact size - the size of design 3 is huge and requires many components hence datum is better
Minimum time consumption - more time consumption because of the complexity of the design
Movement + trolley will be used to move design 3 hence it can easily be moved as compared to datum
Light weight 0 both datum and design 3 will have same weight because almost same number of components will be used
Design idea no. 4 Objective Score given Justification
Compact size datum --
Minimum time consumption datum --
Movement datum --
Light weight datum --




Identified Subsystems names

sl. no Subsystem name
01 Pre polishing
02 Polishing
03 Post polishing

Interaction details

Subsystem 01
subsystem 2 subsystem 3
Energy interaction No Yes
Data interaction Yes No
Material interaction Yes Yes
spatial interaction No Yes

Explanation: Sub system 01

There is data interaction between subsystem 01 and subsystem 02 as there is passing of the commands for further process. Since there is usage of shoe,there exist material interaction.Between subsystem 01 and 03 supply of power is needed hence there is energy interaction and also there is transfer of liquid polisher for cleaning.Since the dimensions of the shoe are considered there exists spatial interaction between sub system 01 and 03.

sub system 02
sub system 01 sub system 03
Energy interaction No Yes
Data interaction No Yes
Material interaction No No
Spatial interaction No No

Explanation:Sub system 02

There is transfer of energy for the process of cleaning and polishing hence there exists energy interaction between sub system 02 and subsystem 03.Since the commands are passed for the process to start there is data interaction between sub system 02 and 03.

Explanation:Sub system 03:

There exists material interaction between sub system 03 and 01 since shoe is a material here,there also exists spatial interaction since the dimensions of the shoe is required.After the completion of work the machine has to indicate the completion of work hence there exists data interaction between sub system 03 and 02.

sub system 03
sub system 01 sub system 02
Energy interaction No No
Data interaction No No
Material interaction Yes No
Spatial interaction Yes No