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A hotel at Hubballi is interested in putting up an automatic shoe polisher as a part of their service to the customers . Unfortunately the existing solutions are costly and we are being asked to make it at lower price.


fig 1.


Automatic shoe polishing machine is machine which is operated by the infrared system. In this we have to insert our shoe after inserting the shoe in it, the sensors in it get activated and the soft brush present in it starts rotating automatically and removes the dust from the shoe. Then press the shoe towards the nozzle which contains the cream polish, it is dispense through the nozzles. It is present under the black and brown brush. This all process is completed in just 30 seconds and your shoes are well polished. The shoe polishing machines are available in two types: First is executive deluxe which is fully automatic with the electronic timer. And the second one is Esteem which is semi-automatic with the electronic timer. Shoe polishing machine can be operated manually, in which machine remain on as long as switch is ON. By this we can shine our shoes any time or anywhere.They are very light and easy to carry in the pocket and it contains natural cream polish. With the help of this shoe polishing machine people’s get rid of getting hands dirty or black due to polish. This shoe polishing is time consuming job which can be easily solved by using auto shoe polishing machine.

Features of Shoe Polishing Machine • It has dual speed to polish the shoes • It cleans and polishes the shoes in few minutes. • They are compact and completely portable • These machines are suitable to use in the hotels.

Information sources

The references used are:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-isSe2P8T-4 : from this reference we got to know the prototype of the automatic shoe polishing machine . The outlook of the machine is being shown which is being designed very compactly. It is being prepared by stainless steel, there is an arrangement to input the liquid polish.
  2. https://youtu.be/t1iw1KaOYfk : The reference helps us to understand the shape in which the machine is to be designed and the way it can be made portable(using a handle). The model shown is phantom KSM6 , which has a touch sensor for shoes detected and automatically stars the process.
  3. http://mechanical.srpec.org.in/files/Project/2015/13.pdf: we can develop a dual purpose machine. It depicts the way where and how the sole cleaner is to be paced, the shape of the bristle used. It shows how a separate arrangements are to be made for different colored(brown, black) shoes.
  4. http://www.ijettjournal.org/Special%20issue/NCAMES-2016/NCAMES-154.pdf: From this project an attempt has been made to understand design and fabrication of an automatic shoe polishing machine to make the shoe polishing process simpler.This project focuses on automation of the shoe polishing and shining process without any human involvement in the process. This machine uses lead screw mechanism, dc motors for actuation, springs for gripping the shoe, Arduino UNO ATMEGA-328 microcontroller and L298 motor driver circuit.
  5. https://www.dolphy.in/automatic-shoe-shining-machine-silver.html : explains the material to be used for polishing.This Shoe shining machine has two brushes each with 2 different types of fibers – Nylon/Horse hair and Cotton thread that helps to serve the dual purposes of cleaning and polishing.it uses neutral wax.
  6. https://youtu.be/ox0rWdE6DIc : the more improved model where it uses a rubber mat(to prevent vibrations), base tray(to clean dirt,wider brush thickness made of sponge fibre for smooth polish.
  7. https://www.ijareeie.com/upload/september/15_2012_ece_12_EEIE%20ISS%203.pdf : Aimed at challenging the drawbacks of conventional shoe polishing machine operations, a new machine system is designed for performing polishing which operates with infrared sensors and can detect the presence of a shoe in the slot. The components that are used open CV, Raspberry pi, SIFT, portable coin box.
  8. https://www.irjet.net/archives/V4/i7/IRJET-V4I749.pdf : This paper reports the design and development of the automatic shoe polishing machine which works using the electric polish dispenser. This machine is designed on the basis of time reduction in shoe polishing and to cover the full portion of the shoe with polish. It uses two brushes, Single motor, Sensors, Polish dispenser.


Polifix 2 Plus shoe polishing machine

Fig 2.

The Polifix 2 plus version is a heavy and solid shoe polishing machine, which is very popular as a model for hotel floors, spacious shopping centres or capacious administrations. The three brushes used in this model have an impressive diameter of 22cm x 8cm in width and are extremely durable - together with the solid steel machine a long-term usage is guaranteed. The ergonomic stainless steel handle bar provides a secure hold for the user. The honeycombed rubber mat can be removed for easy cleaning of the machines ground thus turning the Polifix 2 plus into a shoe shine butler, which is ready-for-use at any time. The machine will be an enriching design highlight no matter which surface will be chosen: be it the lacquered version which is more quiet and down-to-earth or the stylish Chrome variant, the case of which always reflects your ambience in a perfect way.

Features: 1.High operational fluency. 2.Energy efficient. 3.Less maintenance.

Ronda 30 Decor

fig 3.

Ronda 30 Decor presents itself as a real classic among shoe shine machines. A puristic design, a powerful motor and excellent value for money are the key characteristics of this model while it still does not require too much space. It uses 2 polishing brushes 1 pre cleaning brush. Boarding houses, hotels and office and administration buildings are places where this machine is used.

Dimensions: Width: 46cm Depth: 30cm Height: 79cm

Euronics ESM4 Shoe Shining Machine(With Sole Cleaner)

fig 4.

Euronics Innovative Equipment have extensive Contacts & Rapport in Indian & International Market. Euronics “World Leaders in Washroom Automation Products & Entrance Facilities” acknowledged for its High Quality & Innovative Designs. Euronics designed an ESM4 shoe shining machine with sole cleaner that can be used at Malls, Airport, 5 Star Hotel, Restaurants. Euronics Offers unrivalled Standards of Service based on a total commitment to customer satisfaction. The machine has two different brushes each with 2 different types of fibers – Nylon/Horse hair and Cotton thread that helps to serve the dual purposes of cleaning and polishing.

Dimensions 1.Width : 42.5 cm 2.Height: 56.5 cm 3.Depth : 60 cm 4.Weight: 13 kg

    Table 1.1 
Reqrirements Specifications
Material Stainless Steel/Satin Finish
Operation Fully Automatic
Voltage 220V / 50Hz
Rated Power 40 W
RPM 1400
Time Protection 15 sec
Polish capacity 200 ML
Dimensions 510 x 320 x 495 mm

Phantom, KSM6 Shoe Shining Machine

fig 5.

       Table 1.2
Reqrirements Specifications
Material Stainless Steel
Operation Fully Automatic
Voltage 220V / 50Hz
Rated Power 40 W
RPM 1400
Time Protection 15 sec
Polish capacity 200 ML
Dimension 370 x 370 x 1200 mm

Features: 1.Fully automatic machine 2.Uses sensor technology 3.Easy to use and clean your shes in seconds

Coin detecting shoe polishing machine

fig 6.

Product Description Product functions: it can spray shoe oil on shoes automatically. also can polish shoes automatically from different directions. Product features: 1- Shoe oil can be sprayed automatically. It can spray shoe oil on shoes automatically when customers put their shoes close to the hole of spraying shoe oil, it doesn’t need to coat shoe oil for your shoes by hands. 2- It can polish shoes automatically. It will work automatically when we put our shoes into the foot plate. It has a group of brushes to polish surface and both sides of your shoes. brush can be rotated and moved, one side of the brush rotating, another side of the brush moving forward and backward in order to polish shoes more cleanly and more bright. 3- With advertisement lamp box. It’s equipped with lamp box for owner to place poster whatever they like. customers can read the content of the poster and polish their shoes in the same time. 4- Coin inserting system. It’s equipped with this coin-inserting system, if needs this function, customer only need to insert one coin, then it can polish one shoe. you can select to insert one coin to polish one or two pieces of your shoes.

Single brush shoe shine machine

fig 7.

Incepted in the year 2006 at Vadodara (Gujarat, India), “Zankar Manufacturer & Exporter” Manufacturer, Wholesaler and Retailer of a commendable and premium quality array of Shoe Horn, Shoe Shiner, Shoe Sole Clening Machine, Shoe Polishing Machine. They are a Sole Proprietorship company and manufacture the high-quality range of products in varied specifications to fulfill the diverse needs of clients. They designed a shoe polishing machine that was compact and had a single brush that serves the purpose of single shoe colour. It produces less vibrations while operating.

       Table 1.3
Requirements Specifications
Voltage 220V
Weight 8.5 kg
Speed 900 rpm
Model Number US 03
Brush Type Animal hair
Automation Grade Automatic
Polish Dispenser 300 ml ms dispenser
Noise Level No
Color Black
Size 1.5 feet
Application Hotel, School, Malls, Restaurants, Household
IR Sensor Yes


  • DC Motor : It is electric DC motor of 12V. DC motors are the part of electric motors using DC power as energy source. These devices transform electrical energy into mechanical energy. The basic principle of dc motor is same as electric motor in general, the magnetic interactions between the rotor and the stator that will generate the spin. DC motors are widely used in speed and direction control because control of these motors are easier than other motors. The motion of a C motors is controlled using a DC drive. DC drive changes the speed and direction of the motion of the motor. It is used to drive gearbox. There are 2 motors used.


  • Arduino UNO : The Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by Arduino.cc. The board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits.The board has 14 Digital pins, 6 Analog pins, and programmable with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) via a type B USB cable.It can be powered by a USB cable or by an external 9 volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7 and 20 volts. It is also similar to the Arduino Nano and Leonardo


  • L298N Motor driver: The L298N is an integrated monolithic circuit in a 15- lead Multiwatt and PowerSO20 packages. It is a high voltage , high current dual full-bridge driver de-signed to accept standard TTL logic level sand drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and stepping motors. Two enable inputs are provided to enable or disable the device independently of the in-put signals .The emitters of the lower transistors of each bridge are connected together rand the corresponding external terminal can be used for the connection of an external sensing resistor. An additional Supply input is provided so that the logic works at a lower voltage.


  • Servo motor: A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration.It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It also requires a relatively sophisticated controller, often a dedicated module designed specifically for use with servomotors.


*Bearing : It is a part of machine that allows one part rotate over another or move in contact with another part it has little friction as possible. Ball bearings are used.


  • Jumper wires: A jump wire (also known as jumper wire, or jumper) is an electrical wire, or group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes without them – simply "tinned"), which is normally used to interconnect the components of a breadboard or other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or components, without soldering.


  • Stepper motors are inexpensive and rugged because they have fewer mechanical parts. They are brushless, easy to position, and are commonly used in automation systems, although they are small low power devices as compared to other motors... They move in steps based on pulses sent to the stator windings, thus they do not have a horsepower rating because they do not actually rotate continuously. The speed of the motor is controlled by the frequency of the pulses. The stepper motor is used for precise positioning with a motor, such as hard disk drives, robotics, antennas, telescopes, and some toys. Stepper motors cannot run at high speeds, but have a high holding torque. A stepper motor can be thought of as a "digital" version of electric motor, because it converts digital pulses into fixed steps such that a computer system can easily "step" the rotation of the motor for precise control. A stepper motor is low cost, has simple drive electronics, is accurate, has a decent holding torque, and operates at moderate speeds. High acceleration and heavy loads that still require accuracy need a servo motor, the predecessor of the stepper motor.


Sl. No. Components/Parts used Mechanisms/Working principal identified Links
1 Arduino(Electronic) Arduino:-The Arduino board is a microcontroller Wi-Fi - Adapter: Wi-Fi is a high-speed internet connection and network connection without the use of any cables or wires. https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/what-is-an-arduino/all
Motors, Chassis(Mechanical) Motor: Working principle of a DC motor. A motor is an electrical machine which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy Chassis: The outer structural framework of a piece of audio, radio, or computer equipment
2 IR-sensor(ELectronic) An infrared sensor is an electronic device, that emits in order to sense some aspects of the surroundings https://www.electronicshub.org/ir-sensor/
Servomotor(Mechanical) A servo motor is an electrical device which can push or rotate an object with great precision
3 Circuit Board(Electronic) The working principle of the circuit board is: the base plate insulating material is separated from the conductive copper foil surface layer. https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pcb-basics/all
stepper motor Stepper motor is controlled by PWM (Pulse with Modulation) which is provided by the control wires.

cost estimation

description price
1. arduino mega+cable Rs.930
2. IR sensor Rs.60
3. gear DC motor Rs.170
4. 2CH Relay module Rs.140
5. POT 10K Rs.8
6. bread board Rs.75
7. wire stripper Rs.55
8. wire packet Rs.35
9. LED Rs.20
10. SG-90 servo Rs.170
11. jumper wire Rs.60
12. 12V 2A adopter Rs.200
13. 7805 Ic Rs.15
14. All in one resistor box Rs.35
total Rs.1973