Virtual Implementation - O-Division-2018-2019/Team-4 GitHub Wiki

Subsystem - 1 (TAPPING)

3D model of subsystem 1 - Tapping

Screenshot (38)

Bill of material of Subsystem 1 - Tapping

Sl. no Part Name Material with which part is made up of Description about part Quantity required Fabrication if needed Cost (in rupees)
1. Acrylic links Acrylic Sheet 10cmX1cm, 6cmX1cm 2 Laser Cutting -
2. Micro Controller with Cable Arduino Mega AT2560 1 - 930
3. Servo Motor - metal gear, 180 degrees 1 - 450
4. Bread board - 17cmX6.3cmX0.8cm 440 pts 1 - 90
5. Bluetooth Module - - 1 - 240
6. LEDs - 5mm 9 - 18
7. Resistors - - 9 - -

Circuit diagram of Subsystem 1 - Tapping

Screenshot (64)

Flow Chart for Subsystem - 1 Tapping



3D model of subsystem 2 -Sliding

Screenshot (39)

Bill of material of Subsystem 2 - Sliding

Sl. no Part Name Material with which part is made up of Description about part Quantity required Fabrication if needed Cost (in rupees)
1. Acrylic links Acrylic Sheet 30cmX2cm, 22cmX2cm 2 Laser Cutting -
2. Micro Controller with Cable Arduino Mega AT2560 1 - 930
3. Servo Motor - metal gear 1 - 450
4. Motor Driver - ULN2003 1 - 100
5. LCD display - 8cmX2cm 1 - 200

Circuit diagram of Subsystem 2 - Sliding

Screenshot (65)

Flow Chart For Subsystem 2 - Sliding


Bill of material

Sl. no Part Name Material with which part is made up of Description about part Quantity required Fabrication if needed Cost (in rupees)
1. Acrylic Links Acrylic Sheet 30X2, 22X2, 10X1, 6X1 4 Laser Cutting -
2. Micro controller with Cable Arduino Mega AT2560 1 - 900
3. Servo Motor - meta gear 1 - 450
4. Motor Driver - ULN2003 1 - 100
5. Servo Motor - 180 degrees 1 - 450
6. Bread Board - 17cmX6.3cmX0.8cm 440 pts 1 - 90
7. LCD Display - 8cmX2cm 1 - 200
8. Bluetooth Module - - 1 - 240
9. Piano - 35cmX17cm 1 1000
10. LEDs - 5mm 9 - 18
11. Resistors - - 9 - 35
12. Single Strand Wire - 1m - 35
13. Nuts Bolts Metal - 30 - 50
14. Jumper Wires - - 50 150

Circuit Diagram

Screenshot (63)

Flow Chart
