Conceptual design - O-Division-2018-2019/Team-4 GitHub Wiki


Task 2.1:For the chosen need statement the problem definition is:

"To design compact, automated bi-directional armed machine to play piano of size 40 cm and of 32 keys in the outdoors for Entertainment. Controlling range of machine should be 5 m and ON/OFF state of machine should be indicated by light.Each music should not exceed 2 minutes and user should be given at least three options to select their desired music. It should be made attractive enough within given budget and time,Which can be operated by all the age group."

Task 2.2:List the inputs, outputs of the system and represent the black box model

Inputs Outputs
1.Electrical energy (Power supply) 1.Mechanical energy, sound energy
2.Selection of music (user interaction) 2.Music according to user’s choice

screenshot 15

Task 2.3:Glass box representation of the above system


1.Turning on the system

One Two Three
Switching on power button Indication Activation and alignment of system

2.User interface

One Two Three
Display of music options Selection of music Switching to next music

3.Playing instrument

One Two
Playing of keys according to selected music Realignment of stroke

Screenshot (4)

Task 2.4:Morphological Charts

function Mean 1 Mean 2 Mean 3 Mean 4
Indication LED Buzzer Voice message Display message
Selection of music Spark fun Mobile app Remote
Display LCD display board Laptop Mobile Holographic display
Switching on device Spark fun Key pad Voice command Bluetooth module
Alignment Free sliding Rack and pinion Wheels
Description of stroke One fingered stroke Mounted stroke fixed at the front Humanoid arm
playing keys Servo motor Cam mechanism




Free sliding mechanism


screenshot 7

Rack and pinion mechanism


screenshot 8

Wheel mechanism


screenshot 9

Humanoid arm