Game Config Settings - Nyemse/SPEARHEAD GitHub Wiki


This setting allows players to fire while in third person. There's not currently any way to aim properly in third person. This setting more or less exists for testing and showcasing.


Enabling this setting uses the tracer model to make bullets always visible with a faintly yellow streak. It's not recommended to use this setting while guns have tracers enabled.


This setting allows Spearhead to set up a basic kill/death leaderboard.


When a player is damaged Roblox attempts to figure out what player damaged them, and if it can find one it leaves behind a tag in their Humanoid. If this setting is enabled, Spearhead will attempt to detect these tags so kills from other tools can also be counted. It's recommended to use this setting if your game has weapons using other systems in addition to Spearhead.


Enabling this setting will let Spearhead display randomized messages in chat whenever a player joins, leaves, or dies.


This setting enables a simple death screen displaying how much time is left until you respawn, and a short fade to black before you spawn back in.


Enables fall damage.


How far a player has to fall before taking fall damage.


Increasing this increases the amount of fall damage taken based on how far the player exceeded the fallDamageDist setting.

Damage = (fallDist - fallDamageDist) * fallDamageMultiplier


Enables team killing (teamkill is always enabled on neutral players)


Recolors tracers to match a player's team color


Enabling this setting lets the player view their body in first person. This setting can get very performance intensive if the player's model has a lot of parts. If you're lagging when you switch into first person, disabling this setting may solve the problem.


Enabling this setting lets your head rotate even when you're in third person.


Enabling this setting will not let players leave first person while a gun is equipped. It's not recommended to enable this setting if you intend on always forcing first person. If you want to do that, go to StarterPlayer and change the default CameraMode to LockFirstPerrson.


This setting controls whether or not a player's gun will move back when approaching a wall or other object.


If this is enabled, the "Neutral" animation will be played when the distance the viewmodel has been pushed back exceeds the gun's maxPushback setting.