Part 2 - Nuxnuxx/showcase_go GitHub Wiki

Getting started for real

Layout Structure

├── main.go (entrypoint of our app)
├── go.sum // package.json
├── go.mod // package-lock.json
├── Makefile
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── .git
├── internal // a special directory recognised which will prevent one package from being imported by another unless both share a common ancestor
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── css
│   │   ├── js
│   ├── views // templates
│   ├── database // migration and factory for the database
│   ├── services // abstraction layer of database
│   ├── handlers // business logic


First we need to install sqlite driver for golang.

go get

Then we can create the database file.

//Filename: internal/database/database.go
package db

import (

	_ ""

type Store struct {
	Db *sql.DB

func NewStore(dbName string) (Store, error) {
	Db, err := getConnection(dbName)
	if err != nil {
		return Store{}, err

	if err := createMigrations(dbName, Db); err != nil {
		return Store{}, err

	return Store{
	}, nil

func getConnection(dbName string) (*sql.DB, error) {
	var (
		err error
		db  *sql.DB

	if db != nil {
		return db, nil

	// Init SQLite3 database
	db, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", dbName)
	if err != nil {
		// log.Fatalf("🔥 failed to connect to the database: %s", err.Error())
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("🔥 failed to connect to the database: %s", err)

	log.Println("🚀 Connected Successfully to the Database")

	return db, nil

func createMigrations(dbName string, db *sql.DB) error {
	stmt := `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (
		password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
		username VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL

	_, err := db.Exec(stmt)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
  • Because this project is more focus on the big picture of the project we will not write everything our hand

Factory pattern

In golang the most use pattern is the factory pattern which you already see without knowing here.

type Store struct {
	Db *sql.DB

func NewStore(dbName string) (Store, error) {
	Db, err := getConnection(dbName)
	if err != nil {
		return Store{}, err

	if err := createMigrations(dbName, Db); err != nil {
		return Store{}, err

	return Store{
	}, nil


  • Instead of calling the new keyword which you would do in typical language such as java, here we create a function that instantiate the object for us
MyClass obj = new MyClass(10);
  • And with factory
Product product = ProductFactory.createProduct();
  • In go, a factory is just a function or method that return an instance of a particular struct or interface

  • Advantages :

    • Encapsulation: It encapsulates the object creation logic, so the client code doesn't need to know how objects are created.
    • Flexibility: It allows you to change the implementation of the object creation without affecting the client code.
    • Abstraction: It promotes loose coupling by allowing the client code to depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementations.

If you want to know more about it


First of all, we still have our test about RAWG in your main.go,you can get rid of everything in the main function and the useless import, let's get started with a real server.

//Filename: main.go
func main() {
	e := echo.New()

	PORT := flag.String("port", ":" + os.Getenv("PORT"), "port to run the server on")

	// Start the server


modify your .env to give it a PORT.

//Filename: .env

You can try with make run it should start a echo server on the chosen port.

Now we can instantiate your store (database) in the entrypoint of our app.

//Filename: main.go
PORT := ....

store, err := database.NewStore(os.Getenv("DB_NAME"))

if err != nil {

And do the same as before in your .env.


Now that we have a database we can create your first services which will be the games services, here the types needed for this services (thanks to gpt):

//Filename: internal/services/
type GameService struct {
	Game Game
	GameStore database.Store
    ApiKey string

type EsrbRating struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Slug string `json:"slug"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

type Platform struct {
	ID           int    `json:"id"`
	Slug         string `json:"slug"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	ReleasedAt   string `json:"released_at"`
	Requirements struct {
		Minimum     string `json:"minimum"`
		Recommended string `json:"recommended"`
	} `json:"requirements"`

type Game struct {
	ID               int         `json:"id"`
	Slug             string      `json:"slug"`
	Name             string      `json:"name"`
	Released         string      `json:"released"`
	Tba              bool        `json:"tba"`
	BackgroundImage  string      `json:"background_image"`
	Rating           int         `json:"rating"`
	RatingTop        int         `json:"rating_top"`
	Ratings          interface{} `json:"ratings"`
	RatingsCount     int         `json:"ratings_count"`
	ReviewsTextCount string      `json:"reviews_text_count"`
	Added            int         `json:"added"`
	AddedByStatus    interface{} `json:"added_by_status"`
	Metacritic       int         `json:"metacritic"`
	Playtime         int         `json:"playtime"`
	SuggestionsCount int         `json:"suggestions_count"`
	Updated          string   `json:"updated"`
	EsrbRating       EsrbRating  `json:"esrb_rating"`
	Platforms        []Platform  `json:"platforms"`

type Response struct {
	Count    int      `json:"count"`
	Next     string   `json:"next"`
	Previous string   `json:"previous"`
	Results  []Game `json:"results"`

After that we can create our function to initiate the service and follow the factory pattern for this service.

//Filename: internal/services/
func NewGamesServices(g Game, gStore database.Store, apiKey string) *GameService{

	return &GameService{
		Game:      g,
		GameStore: gStore,
		ApiKey: apiKey,

For the first function we will create a function that get the games list.

func (gs *GameService) GetGames(page int) ([]Game, error) {

	// Make the url
	builder := strings.Builder{}

	// If page is not the first page, add the page number to the requestt 
	if (page > 0) {
		builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("&page=%d", page))

	// Make the request
	resp, err := http.Get(builder.String())

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error making request: %v", err)

	defer resp.Body.Close()

	// This part bind the response to the struct
	var response Response

	body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)

	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &response); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshalling response: %v", err)

	return response.Results, nil

The most important here is when we bind the reponse to the struct at the end, it is a common pattern in golang, after the data has been bind to the struct we have all the advantages of a strongly typed data.

Test it

What's better to test your new services but to do a test (yes a test !) so we start by creating a new files in the folder services named game.services_test.go.

After that we need a new package to assert some data.

go get

Let's write our test for the new function we just created.

//Filename: internal/services/game.service_test.go
func TestGetGamesByPage(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	store, err := database.NewStore("test.db")

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("🔥 failed to connect to the database: %s", err)

	t.Setenv("API_KEY", "yourapikey")

	gameService := NewGamesServices(Game{}, store, os.Getenv("API_KEY"))

	// Act
	result, err := gameService.GetGamesByPage(0)

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("🔥 failed to get games: %s", err)

	// Assert
	assert.NotNil(t, result)


In the handlers package we will use the services we already created to make some routes.

First of all create games.handlers.go in the handlers folder in it we wills store all the endpoint that in relation with games.

//Filename: internal/handlers/games.handlers.go
type GamesServices interface {
	GetGamesByPage(page int) ([]services.Game, error)

func NewGamesHandlers(gs GamesServices) *GamesHandler {

	return &GamesHandler{
		GamesServices: gs,

type GamesHandler struct {
	GamesServices GamesServices

Did you recognize some pattern ?

Yes first we have the factory pattern that we already encountered before and a new one.

Dependency injection

First what is dependency injection ?

  • It is the last letter of the famous acronym S.O.L.I.D, the D
  • and it allow to switch the implementation of some dependency which means more simple unit testing because you can mock it, and even change it at the runtime !

It is exactly what happens here we create a interface (contract) and then we can pass any implementation that approve the contract.

//Filename: internal/handlers/games.handlers.go

// The contract for the implementation
type GamesServices interface {
	GetGamesByPage(page int) ([]services.Game, error)

// Any implementation as paramaters that validate the contract
func NewGamesHandlers(gs GamesServices) *GamesHandler

Now that we have setting up your new handlers let's create your first real handler.

//Filename: internal/handlers/games.handlers.go
func (gh *GamesHandler) GetGamesByPage(c echo.Context) error {

    // strconv use to transform string to int
    // because everything that come from web is string typed
	page, err := strconv.Atoi(c.QueryParam("page"))

    // if error when converting we return Bad request
	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid page")

    // We use the service we created before
	games, err := gh.GamesServices.GetGamesByPage(page)

    // if error appears in services means it is a server error
	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Something went wrong")

	return c.JSON(200, games)

The handler is standalone and unuse in our server we need to link it to the server, first create a routes.go in the handlers folder and add a new function.

//Filename: internal/handlers/routes.go
func SetupRoutes(e *echo.Echo, gh *GamesHandler) {
	e.GET("/", gh.GetGamesByPage)

This function will be your router for the whole app.

We can use it in the entrypoint of the app to register this new handler

//Filename: main.go
if err != nil {

gameServices := services.NewGamesServices(services.Game{}, store, os.Getenv("API_KEY"))
gameHandler := handlers.NewGamesHandlers(gameServices)

handlers.SetupRoutes(e, gameHandler)

//Start the server

Now if you can use the new endpoint we just created simply we can make run and go to this link

  • Here or copy this below

But the views folder, how can i be an HTML engineer without it

Yes i forgot HTML engineer here we are, first lets start by adding some new package

go install // for the cli
go get // for the code

the doc is here if needed

It is a template engine which is staticly typed it will help keep the codebase clear

the extension .templ don't change the behavior of go we can use it as a normal go file like we would normally do

So let's jump to our views folder and create a new folder in it call layout in which we will create a new file call base.layout.templ and write some HTML

//Filename: internal/views/layout/base.layout.templ
// dont miss it
package layout

templ Base() {
	<html lang="en">
			<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
			<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
			<meta name="description" content="Lets go HTML Engineer"/>
			<meta name="google" content="notranslate"/>
			<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css"/>
			<title>Games App</title>
            //Link for daisyui (dont use it in production)
			<link href="[email protected]/dist/full.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
            // Link to tailwindUI (dont use it in production)
			<script src=""></script>
            { children... }

This will be the root of our website that we will integrate in it the navbar,main and also footer

The interesting part is the children... which means that we can use it as a layout and everything we pass in will be at this place, better than word. Let's see by example:

Now we need to have views for our games let get started with a view to show a list of games, create a new folder in views which we will call games_views and add a file game.list.templ

//Filename: internal/views/games_views/game.list.templ
package gamesviews 

templ GameCard(game services.Game){

templ GamesList(games []services.Game){
	// a for loop from golang
	for _, game := range games{

templ GameIndex(games []services.Game){

Here the interesting parts, first the usage of layout.Base in the GameIndex and the for loop which looks exactly the same as in go, if you know go you know templ.

We have finish for the folder views for the moment, we can now adapt our code to serve HTML and not JSON.

Before that, to generate the template you need to run templ generate.

Now in the handlers for the game list we can change some lines and add a new files utils.go which will be all your utility function to render.

//Filename: internal/handlers/utils.go

func renderView(c echo.Context, cmp templ.Component) error {
	c.Response().Header().Set(echo.HeaderContentType, echo.MIMETextHTML)

	return cmp.Render(c.Request().Context(), c.Response().Writer)

This function serve one purpose, elimination all the boilerplate to render a templ template, we don't need to know every aspect of it. All we care is we pass a echo.Context and a component and it is render.

Now modify the handlers for the game list

//Filename: internal/handlers/game.handlers.go

func (gh *GamesHandler) GetGamesByPage(c echo.Context) error {

    return c.JSON(200, games) -> return renderView(c, gamesviews.GameIndex(games))

make run and check on the same page we go earlier.

You should see a beautiful list (joking) but it works, we have render our first HTML page.

| Checkpoint |

git reset --hard HEAD
git merge origin/echo_server

| Checkpoint |

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️