Home - Nuvolect/DeepDive-Android GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the DeepDive-Android wiki!

New User

For the new user, consider the following sequence:

  1. Setup the Username and Password.
  2. Use the web app for best experience, the IP address is on the home screen.
  3. Browse the tools under Device, including Details, LogCat, Shell and Keystore.
  4. Decompile your first app, notes below.

To shut down the DeepDive web server, exit the app with the back button. For long running tasks you can switch to another app and DeepDive will continue in the background.

Decompile your first app.

Although it is large and complex, you can start with DeepDive if you like or you can choose a smaller app like DIVA - Damn Insecure and vulnerable App for Android.

  1. Select Apps, under "Installed Apps" enter "diva".
  2. First select the info icon ( i ), note the metrics, permissions and flags.
  3. Next select the gear icon.
  4. Select "Extract APK"
  5. Select "Unpack APK"
  6. Select the Folder icon in the Extract APK row, and browse app files. Return to the Decompile page.
  7. Select "Decompile with Jadx". This can take a few seconds or a even a few minutes depending on the speed of your device.

Search app contents

Decompile is complete. You can either use the Finder to browse code or use the Lucene search engine. To use Lucene:

  1. Select the topmost search icon, note the index files progress bar.
  2. Enter the keyword "password" and hit enter. Note the search results
  3. Hit the Search Set icon (stacked dot-dash icon).
  4. Hit Start and note the number of hits for each keyword.

Beyond the Basics

  1. Configure your device to use more memory from Settings: Stack size.
  2. Explore the Wiki for help on using other features such as custom Search Sets.

Additional notes

If you have found a bug or have issues use DeepDive Issues. Please scan the list to make sure you are creating a duplicate issue.

For new features and general discussion use the Nuvolect Forum.

If you still have questions or need help, Contact Nuvolect.