Known Issues - Nutzzz/GLC GitHub Wiki
In v1.2 or later, some platforms support displaying games that are owned but not currently installed. You can disable this behavior in the glc.ini file [flag_do_not_scan_not_installed_games].
- To support this feature with Steam, the current implementation requires you to set your profile to public. To do so, go here: We may switch to the online API in the future.
- If you have multiple Steam logins, and a different login is set as Steam's default, you can manually set the ID in the glc.ini file [num_steam_id]. To find your ID number, open the file "\config\loginusers.vdf" in your Steam install location. Note this is the number above AccountName, and not the one labelled Timestamp.
In list view, the small icons from the previous menu/page will be shown if menu/page changed before icons have finished drawing [#32]
There are a few problems with shells not based on conhost.exe (including Windows Terminal)
- No console output: PowerCmd;
- Interactive mode not supported: Git Bash, Mingw, MSYS2 (though games can still be entered on the command-line);
- Arrow keys not supported: ConEmu with Take Command (tcc);
- Icons not supported: Console2, FireCMD, Take Command (tcmd), Windows Terminal;
- Several shells don't respect colour settings.
If the window properties are set to use legacy "Raster Fonts" (the default in earlier versions of Windows, which may be carried over in an upgrade), Unicode characters are displayed incorrectly [#33] [e.g., ® (R) becomes "r", ™ (TM) becomes "T"].
If the image resolution [num_selected_image_icon_resolution] is set to higher than 48 and a game icon's largest resolution is 32x32 (somewhat common), then the Windows API used to show these icons won't scale them any higher, and will instead show the icon on a black background with a white border. The default resolution of 96 attempts to balance having nicer icons where supported but also preventing these 32x32 icons from being extremely small (as occurs when the resolution is set to the 256 maximum).
- Note that because of this behavior, when using resolutions higher than 48, all images will automatically have a black background (otherwise it's a jarring transition to one of these lower resolution icons).
- When the resolution is 48 or lower, transparent icons are shown on a background that attempts to match the background colour [colour_background or colour_background_lightmode]. However, there may be an incorrect assumption about what RGB value each named ConsoleColor represents (again, the default in earlier versions of Windows, which may be carried over in an upgrade).
Also see Issues.