WorldGuard Flags - Nutty101/NPC-Police GitHub Wiki
Jail Configuration Flags
np-jailcell {jail shortname}
This flag will define a region as a jail cell. This is only used to determine if a player is in a jail cell for the nighttime, or daytime bounty flags.
np-extendedjail {jail shortname}
This defines a region as a jail, even though it may not be assigned specifically to a jail.
Bounty Flags
np-af-bounty {#}
Sets the bounty to assign to the player when they are auto flagged in a region.
Sets the interval at which the bounty can be applied to a player.
np-bnty-damage {#}
How much bounty to assign to a user for damage to an NPC in the region. Overrides all other defaults
np-bnty-pvp {#}
How much bounty to assign to a user for PVP damage to another player in the region. Overrides all other defaults
np-bnty-murder {#}
How much bounty to assign to a user for murdering another player or NPC in the region. Overrides all other defaults
np-bnty-escaped {#}
How much bounty to add or subtract per second when a user has a status of escaped in the region. Overrides all other defaults
np-bnty-wanted {#}
How much bounty to add or subtract per second when a user has a status of wanted in the region. Overrides all other defaults
np-bnty-max {#}
The maximum allowed bounty size this region will allow to be assessed. Overrides all other defaults
Wanted Level Flags
np-wanted-change {NONE, MINIMUM, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH}
If the users wanted level is lower than this setting, it will auto bring them up to this level
np-wanted-force {NONE, MINIMUM, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH}
Forces the users wanted level to the setting, no matter their current setting
np-kick-type {onArrest-Server, OnArrest-World, OnChange-Server, OnChange-World}
Sets the kick type for this region
np-kick-location {ServerName or WorldName}
Sets the location to kick a user out to [ServerName or WorldName]
np-deny-wntmin {NONE, MINIMUM, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH}
Denies entry into this if a player has a wanted level below this setting.
np-deny-wntmax {NONE, MINIMUM, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH}
Denies entry into this if a player has a wanted level above this setting.
np-npc-wanted {NONE, MINIMUM, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH}
Any NPC killed in this zone will award this wanted setting, does not override an NPC with specific settings
Activity Flags
This flag will define a region as no arrests. The NPCs will not alert guards, and no bounties will be added in this region.
This flag will tag an area as PVP monitored, assign this to global if you wish to enable this for an entire world. When players PVP and a guard is in range, they will gain a bounty level. The player attacking will be warned by the closest guard, then if they continue they will be wanted and have a bounty assessed to them. The player being attacked will get the same, single hit = warning, continued fighting will result in a bounty.
- I am going to work on this a bit more down the road to allow a player to fight back and not be arrested as long as the initiating player is still attacking them.
This flag will flag are an area so that any murders in it will not get any bounty or wanted status. Useful if you want to have a region for a whole area but allow a PVP pit without the guards interacting.
Sets an area to not be monitored for assaults. NPC guards will not react to anyone assaulting NPCs here.
This region will become the guard. All actions will be recorded as if an NPC guard had sight of the event.
Wanted Status Flags
Sets an area to auto flag users who entire it with a wanted status. This can be stacked with requiresight to only assign that status if an NPC can see the player.
Toggles if an area flagged as af (Auto flag) requires an NPC to have sight of the player. Good for thief missions, etc
A message to say to a player when they are flagged by the region. Variables work in this message.