Tutorial_Basic - Nutty101/NPC-Police GitHub Wiki
Download the latest version of the plugin and place it into your plugins folder.
Start the server, it will auto-create a default config (plugins/jailer/config.yml)
Edit the file and setup the worlds (or copy the default for each that you want the plugin to function in)
Using a permissions plugin, I will by default add users to the following groups (Defaults: WANTEDCRIMINALS, JAILED, FUGITIVES)
Create a worldguard region covering your jail area
- /region create tutorialjail
Create a jail /np createjail {short name} {region name} {Display Name}
- /np createjail tutjail tutorialjail Tutorial Jail
Now add cells, stand in the cell where you want players to be sent. type /np addcell
Create an NPC in or around your jail that players can access from inside
- Select that NPC and type /np npc
- Click on the X inside the menu option. It should turn to a checkmark. That person now accepts right clicking.
Create an NPC outside the jail
- equip them with a weapon
- Via sentinel use the following commands:
- /trait sentinel
- type /np npc
- Check the box for guard, should show a checkmark now
- Check the box for LOS Attack
create another NPC to attack within 25 blocks of the guard
- Attack it, and you should see a warning or bounty. The Guard should start attacking once you harm the NPC enough.
- When in jail, right-click the NPC you created in there and a menu should come up.
Quick visual layout of a simple jail.
- 1: I tend to place the judge/jailer in a location that both outside players and arrested players can interact with them.
- 2: Cells are the locations i use to set where the player will be sent to after being arrested.
- 3: Create a method to get out, i use iron doors to ensure the NPC guards cannot get into the jail (Tend to use a set of two to ensure they do not get into the jail)
- If a player leaves the jail region, they will be converted to escaped and using Sentinel or sentry you can have the guards hunt them down.